Peace And Quiet
Peace and quiet are two of the most common things lacking a home that has children in it. True, they mean well and are just having good fun; sometimes though, you come home from a long day at the office … Continue reading …
Peace and quiet are two of the most common things lacking a home that has children in it. True, they mean well and are just having good fun; sometimes though, you come home from a long day at the office … Continue reading …
The definition of migraine is a severe and pulsating headache, that is often associated with autonomic symptoms and classically is unilateral (only affecting one of half of the head) in nature, with most attacks often lasting anywhere from four to … Continue reading …
Allergy season will soon be in full swing and thousands if not hundreds of thousands of individuals will begin to come out of the wood work proclaiming sinus and allergy related issues when in fact it could be something much … Continue reading …
Common sense says stay away from ant piles, don’t’ play with snakes and if you anger it a dog may bite. Common sense is a wonderful thing and something that every individual on the face of the earth should implement; … Continue reading …
A migraine is defined as a very severe, pulsating headache, that is often associated with autonomic symptoms and is typically unilateral (only affecting one of half of the head), usually lasting anywhere from four to seventy two hours. Individuals suffering … Continue reading …
Grogginess comes after late nights and busy days, the exhaustion that most busy individuals experience is nothing compared to the extreme fatigue that often surrounds chronic migraine sufferers. Individuals that constantly endure migraine headaches never feel rested and refreshed the … Continue reading …
Treating a chronic condition such as migraine headaches is something a migraine sufferer cannot do carelessly. Migraine treatment cannot be taken lightly and if a person is suffering with intense migraine pain then he or she must take initiative and … Continue reading …
So what all goes into being a migraine sufferer? There is much that goes into migraine headaches, their causes, their development, symptoms and treatment. A migraine headache is a miserable thing to have to endure, the symptoms can be so … Continue reading …
If you are a fan of animals, you are probably aware of how deceiving looks can be. The cuteness of a puppy masks the puppy’s harmful nips, just like the beauty of a whale masks its ability to kill. When … Continue reading …
Perfume can be very alluring and drawing in of one’s senses. I like a nice, soft perfume to smell and enjoy. Unfortunately, some perfumes make me nauseous; they smell like you sprayed an old person on you… not a good … Continue reading …