Peace and quiet are two of the most common things lacking a home that has children in it. True, they mean well and are just having good fun; sometimes though, you come home from a long day at the office and all you want is to sit on the couch and relax with some peace and quiet. The desire for peace and quiet is further amplified through the onset of a migraine headache. The pain and throbbing of that unilateral twinge makes noise louder and the pain intensified as the noise increases. Even trying to endure your favorite band’s concert from ticket you won might show itself to much to handle. Migraine are defined as both a neurological condition and as vascular headaches; both are true and for different reasons.
Reasons Why?
The reason why migraines are considered a vascular headache over a normal / sinus headache is because of the effects migraines have on the blood vessels in the brain. Furthermore, they are a neurological condition because of the inflammation of the trigeminal nerve which causes about half of the migraine pain. The other half is the arterial pain caused by a chemical attack. When the blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge and expand, which is the starting point for a migraine. As they expand in viscosity, they caused the chemical to be released and the downward spiral begins. The only hope of relief is through the use of a migraine treatment; if used on a regular basis, the sufferer can minimize the intensity and even the frequency of the migraine attacks / symptoms.
Here are some of the options for migraine treatments. I would recommend that you consult with you doctor to determine which migraine treatment option is best for you.
- Prescription Medications – Triptans and Ergots, though designed for blood pressure patients, are used in treating migraine headaches by constricting the blood vessels thus help stop the beginning process of the migraine.
- Massage Therapy – Therapists will work on massaging the sub-occipital muscle group that runs from the base of the skull to the base of the spine. These muscles, if care for properly, can greater reduce the migraines even starting as neck / back tension is a common trigger in the onset of migraine attacks.
Tags: Chronic migraine, Massage Therapy, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, Migraine Support Formula, Natural Ingredients, pounding, Prescription medication, Throbbing
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