Allergy season will soon be in full swing and thousands if not hundreds of thousands of individuals will begin to come out of the wood work proclaiming sinus and allergy related issues when in fact it could be something much more complex than a sinus infection. A recent study showed that eighty percent of the patients that have sought help for or have self-diagnosed a sinus condition were in fact dealing with a migraine headache. A migraine headache and sinuses are obviously two very different things but it is understandable as to how the confusion can take place.
A migraine headache or a migraine attack shares something in common with the sinuses- they both involve the same nerve. Pain of a migraine can sometimes be felt in the sinus area so the victim naturally assumes that the pain being felt is a direct result of sinus pressure. When a migraine develops, it can cause an inflammation of the trigeminal nerve; the same nerve that becomes bothered when a sinus infection or sinus attack takes place. Learning the different aspects of a migraine headache can help an individual know if the pain he or she is feeling is directly related to his or her sinuses or to a migraine headache.
The Characteristics Of A Migraine
The pain of a migraine is felt unilaterally which means on one side of the head. If you were to ask migraine sufferers to describe his or her pain, you may get various answers but the overall consensus would be an intense throbbing, pounding or pulsating pain that increases with physical activity. Migraine triggers are key factors that play a role in the onset of a migraine and they would include:
- Certain Foods
- Caffeine
- Stress
- Exercise
- Hormonal Fluctuation
- Weather
Migraine symptoms worsen over the migraines duration and would include symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, head pain, blurred vision, constipation and cognitive confusion. A migraine attack can last for several hours and fro some migraine sufferers the pain could last for up to seventy two. Migraine frequency can be as often as twice a month with total head pain duration up to fifteen days.
Tags: headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine risk factors, Migraine Support Formula, migraine triggers, natural migraine treatment, pounding, Prescription medication, symptoms, Throbbing
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