Common sense says stay away from ant piles, don’t’ play with snakes and if you anger it a dog may bite. Common sense is a wonderful thing and something that every individual on the face of the earth should implement; however let’s be realistic not every person on the face of the earth practices common sense and they set themselves up to walk into a trap. When it comes to chronic migraines, a migraine victim has to practice common sense is they don’t then they are headed for a life filed with migraine misery.
Common sense in regards to migraine headaches is to avoid certain places and things that can cause a migraine to develop. Migraine headaches exact causes have yet to be pinpointed however studies and research have shown that migraine triggers can play a role in the onset of a migraine headache. Migraine triggers are factors such as environmental and or physiological that when encountered can start the process of migraine development. Migraine triggers are the unavoidable threats that taunt migraine sufferers day in and day out every time he or she steps out of their home. The following is a list of a few of the migraine triggers that may seem innocent enough when in fact they are not.
- Stress
- Weather – changes in barometric temperature
- Foods- aged cheese, chocolate
- Caffeine
- Sleep – lack of sleep, too little sleep too much sleep
- Lighting- bright or flashing lights
- Odors – cigarette smoke, body odor, perfume
The Upper Hand
Though migraine triggers are often unavoidable, there is a way for the migraine victim to have the upper hand. Preventative migraine treatment is an excellent tool for the fight against chronic migraines. Preventative migraine treatment plans can come in various forms the most common being the use of prescription medications such as antidepressants, blood pressure pills, triptans and ergots. Prescription medications are a great source of migraine prevention, however they do come with a long list of side effects.
Natural migraine treatment options such as the Migraine Support Formula uses natural means to prevent the onset of a migraine. No preventative migraine treatment will be a 100% guarantee; however the Migraine Support Formula has proven to be successful at reliving the frequencies of migraine headaches without worry of adverse side effects.
Tags: enlarged blood vessels, headache, Magnesium Citrate, Massage Therapy, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, Migraines, pounding, stress
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