Dizzy Tea Cups
Have you ever been on the “Mad Tea Party” ride at Disney World? Well, my daughter loves the ride and so do I; but this time we went I looked for the fastest tea cup to give us the most … Continue reading …
Have you ever been on the “Mad Tea Party” ride at Disney World? Well, my daughter loves the ride and so do I; but this time we went I looked for the fastest tea cup to give us the most … Continue reading …
It’s the thought that counts.” Usually, you hear this phrase said after you have given a gift that broke into a million pieces or tried to help with something that has gone disastrously wrong. The only problem with this saying … Continue reading …
What is a migraine? A migraine occurs when blood vessels in the brain expand, thus releasing a chemical into the brain. This chemical will attack the arteries in the brain causing unbelievable throbbing pain. Migraines can last for many days … Continue reading …
The Migraine Support Formula is the best kept secret in the migraine community. Unfortunately, there is more money to be made off of other methods than through an all-natural, side effect free way. Even if you had all the money … Continue reading …
A migraine is defined as a severe, pulsating headache, often associated with autonomic symptoms and typically unilateral (only affecting one of half of the head), usually lasting from four to seventy two hours. Signs of a migraine can include blurred … Continue reading …
If you have been on the quest of finding an effective migraine relief treatment for any duration of time, you know how challenging it can be to locate a migraine treatment that offers both migraine relief and no side effects. … Continue reading …
A migraine is defined as a severe, pulsating headache, often associated with autonomic symptoms and typically unilateral (only affecting one of half of the head), usually lasting from 4 to 72 hours. Symptoms can include blurred vision, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, … Continue reading …
Suffering with chronic migraine headaches may seem like a major crisis in some individual’s life. Migraine headaches can be a debilitating condition that leaves their victims unable to function in a normal life setting. Migraine headaches can be cause for … Continue reading …
Scrambling around the medicine drawer frantically looking for the Tylenol or Advil is an action that chronic migraine sufferers are familiar with. The frustrating dilemma is not being able to find or locate the Tylenol and Advil but the effect, … Continue reading …
Would you like to try our new holiday flavors: Peppermint Mocha or Pumpkin Spice? What about fries or apple dippers? Do you want ice or no ice in your drink? Cash or credit? We are asked many questions and offered … Continue reading …