Scrambling around the medicine drawer frantically looking for the Tylenol or Advil is an action that chronic migraine sufferers are familiar with. The frustrating dilemma is not being able to find or locate the Tylenol and Advil but the effect, or shall I say the lack of, effect over the counter medicines such as Tylenol and Advil has on such intense migraine pain. The head pain that comes with a migraine is such an intense throbbing pain that medications such as these will do very little in relieving the throbbing/pounding being felt.
Millions of men and women suffer from migraine headaches each year forcing them to miss work, family events and forgo household responsibilities until the migraine pain subsides. With so many people suffering with such a debilitating condition as migraine headaches, you would think that an antidote would be available to help soothe the pain or erase the pain completely. Sadly this is not the case. Complete elimination of migraine headaches with a 100% guarantee cannot be had at this given time in history; however, migraine treatment have come a long way and chronic migraine sufferers have reported fewer and less painful migraine attacks than ever before.
Where Migraine Relief Can Be Found
There are several possible migraine solutions that can be found in surprising places. The more common migraine treatments such as prescription medication can be found through a medical professional. Prescription medication often prescribed to migraine sufferers are not designed to treat migraine headaches exclusively therefore the relief they can offer is minimal. One can treat migraine occurrences with physiotherapy and if physiotherapy becomes a regular consistent part of one’s weekly regime, progress can be had in lessening the frequencies of migraine outbreaks.
More unconventional places to find migraine relief would be in the offices of an acupuncturist as well as in the office of a chiropractor. Studies have shown that both acupuncture and chiropractic adjustments have a positive effect on migraines. One last method to treating migraine headaches that we will mention is by way of herbal supplements. Herbs have been used for centuries to treat common ailments such as migraines and with great success.
Tags: Advil, herbal, herbal remedies, migraine, migraine attacks, Migraine causes, migraine headache, Migraine releif, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, Prescription medication, Tylenol
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