What is a migraine? A migraine occurs when blood vessels in the brain expand, thus releasing a chemical into the brain. This chemical will attack the arteries in the brain causing unbelievable throbbing pain. Migraines can last for many days on end and is the leading reason for individuals calling in sick to their employer. Surprisingly, the huge migraine, which can immobilize you, losing motor function and thought process, is caused by a little trigger. This catalyst or trigger can be anything from bright lights to loud noises, from certain food to smoking smells. They are different for everyone and many times combinations of these triggers can intensify your migraine attacks. Only by using a migraine treatment option can you help minimize your occurrences.
Are You Ready For Your Treatment?
Effective migraine treatments are as different for individuals as the triggers that cause the migraine itself. Consult with your primary care physician and do your research to determine which migraine treatment option or options are best for you. Here are a few choices you may discover along the way:
- Acupuncture – As part of ancient Chinese remedies, acupuncture is design to relieve the cause of the migraine pain by bringing balance back to the body. Through inserting needles into pressure points along the body’s meridians, it is believed that you can restore harmony in the body and eliminate the ailment i.e. migraines from the individual. It is less evasive than prescription meds because is has very few side effects.
- Therapeutic Massage – Neck and back muscle tension is a leading trigger in the onset of migraines. How therapeutic massage plays a part is by not massaging large muscle groups, like most deep tissue massages, but by relieving the tension in the small group of muscles called the sub-occipital muscles along the neck and spine. This also is less evasive and very relaxing.
- Migraine Support Formula – Years of research by trained professional has gone into discovering the formula. This migraine treatment utilizes vitamins and minerals found in nature throughout the entire world. These ingredients have been proven to minimize the intensity and frequency of migraines. Some of the ingredients are:
Tags: Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, headache, herbal, herbal remedies, Magnesium Citrate, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headache, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, natural migraine treatment
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