Have you ever been on the “Mad Tea Party” ride at Disney World? Well, my daughter loves the ride and so do I; but this time we went I looked for the fastest tea cup to give us the most spin. We found such a cup and we spun so fast that my normally smiling girl looked at me with concern saying, “Woe, daddy slow down.” It was a bit fast but it reminded me how one of the frustrating symptoms of migraines is dizziness. You see, a migraine messes with the blood vessels in the brain causing them to enlarge releasing a chemical which in turn attacks the arteries in the brain. This attacking causes the immense pain associated with migraines. Some of the other symptoms might include: nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, loss of concentration and even displaced motor skills. Not a pretty picture, however you can minimize these occurrences by first avoiding the triggers that cause these vascular headaches. A trigger is the catalyst that starts the migraine chain reaction and is mostly environmentally caused. Here are some of the known triggers: weather changes, alcohol, foods, caffeine, humidity, neck/back tension, bright light, cigarette smoke and even a lack of sleep. Also, you must follow a migraine treatment plan in order to eliminate these annoying discomforts from your life.
Plan Ahead
This migraine treatment plan must your “Custard’s Last Stand” in the fight against migraines. Even in knowing that prescription meds are the chief choice of most practitioners, consult with your primary care physician to see which migraine treatment best works for you. Here are a couple of the migraine treatment options available:
- Acupuncture – We have come a long way from stone needles used before recorded history to the sophisticated needles we use today. Yet, the same result is achieved. Using these needles placed along certain parts of the body, the Chinese have proven a successful method to removing pain i.e. migraines from one’s life.
- Migraine Support Formula – Natural resources are what comprise this unique formula: Ginger, Vitamin B2, White Willow Bark Extract, Feverfew – just to name a few. The Migraine Support Formula has been proven to work the most effectively with the least number of side effects in minimizing migraine frequency and intensity.
Tags: Acupuncture, headache, herbal remedies, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, treating migraines
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