Not So Innocent
If you are a fan of animals, you are probably aware of how deceiving looks can be. The cuteness of a puppy masks the puppy’s harmful nips, just like the beauty of a whale masks its ability to kill. When … Continue reading …
If you are a fan of animals, you are probably aware of how deceiving looks can be. The cuteness of a puppy masks the puppy’s harmful nips, just like the beauty of a whale masks its ability to kill. When … Continue reading …
Warning labels on the back of medications are put there for a reason, they are not to be ignored. The warning label on the back of a prescription is designed to alert the tentative user of all the side effects … Continue reading …
Why does everything in life have to be so difficult? It seems as if everything in life is complicated and difficult to handle. When you look at health issues, careers and personal relationships nothing seems simple. Does it always have … Continue reading …
Perfume can be very alluring and drawing in of one’s senses. I like a nice, soft perfume to smell and enjoy. Unfortunately, some perfumes make me nauseous; they smell like you sprayed an old person on you… not a good … Continue reading …
If you have ever felt caged in by a person or your surroundings, you may be able to understand the frustration that comes with not being able to get away or escape the feelings of being caged in or surrounded. … Continue reading …
Sometimes in life it is not the things you can see that cause the most trouble but the small things that can cause a riot in the body and set off a series of unwanted and unplanned pain and misery. … Continue reading …
Have you ever been dizzy? I remember when I was a kid and we used to put our head on a bat, bend over and spin around ten times; then we would try to run to the goal and back … Continue reading …
Have you ever had blurred vision or blindness, temporarily? One morning, I woke up with pink eye and my eyes had sealed together; I had a short freak out as I could not see nor open my eye lids. Thankfully, … Continue reading …
Do you think you suffer with chronic migraines? Are you unsure as to what the pains being felt in your head are really about? If you are new to head pain than you might be wondering why you are suddenly … Continue reading …
I love coffee. Coffee helps me wake up and start my day with enthusiasm and expectancy toward success at work, at home, pretty much everywhere. The aroma. The taste. The caffeine…oh, the caffeine is my favorite part as it gets … Continue reading …