If you have ever felt caged in by a person or your surroundings, you may be able to understand the frustration that comes with not being able to get away or escape the feelings of being caged in or surrounded. Suffering with chronic migraines can make a person feel as if he or she is caged in or trapped by the pain that the migraine creates. It is true that a migraine can make an individual feel surrounded by pain with little hope of finding a way out of the pain maze, but there is another aspect of migraines other than the pain that can make a person feel surrounded.
Migraine triggers are one of those aspects of a migraine that can make the sufferer feel trapped and caged in by the thought of stepping out and coming into contact with a migraine trigger. Migraine triggers live everywhere and are bound to come into contact with an individual possibly setting the stage for an exploding migraine to develop. It is impossible to avoid a migraine so a person that suffers with chronic migraines must learn how to live with migraine triggers affecting or interfering with his or her life.
Living With Migraine Triggers
We may have already mentioned that migraine triggers are both environmental and physiological upsets but what we have not yet mentioned is what the different migraine triggers are.
- Weather – changes in barometric temperatures
- Stress – though no cure for stress exist by reducing stress loads or amount one can lessen the onset of a migraine attack
- Lighting – flashing or bright lights can promote a migraine so protective eye wear is important
- Foods – aged cheese, chocolate
- Caffeine – to much caffeine can promote or encourage a migraine
- Hormones – change or fluctuation in hormones such as estrogen levels can cause a migraine
Migraine treatment is the only way one can face the world and the triggers that exist in it. Preventative treatments such as prescription medications and herbal supplements can help reduce the chances of a migraine from setting in an causing havoc in a person’s life.
Tags: Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, headache, Massage Therapy, migraine headaches, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, symptoms, Throbbing, treating migraines
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