Have you ever had blurred vision or blindness, temporarily? One morning, I woke up with pink eye and my eyes had sealed together; I had a short freak out as I could not see nor open my eye lids. Thankfully, no permanent damage was done; however, when I think about migraine sufferers and the potential they have to experience a real temporary blindness during the aura stage of a migraine headache, it sobers me to realize how crippling a migraine and its symptoms can be. It also saddens me to know that no cure is or has been discovered for these problematic headaches. The only relief comes from a migraine treatment and you have to make sure you choose the right migraine treatment. People have made rash decisions before and have caused more damage than relief on their lives. Consult with your primary care physician to determine which migraine treatment option is best for you.
Possible Treatment Options
Here are some of the treatment options for migraines and then we will discuss what happens throughout the migraine process:
- Prescription Medication – The meds used for migraines are Triptans and Ergots. These pills were not designed however for treatment of migraine headaches; they were manufactured for the purpose of lowering high blood pressure by constricting the blood vessels in the body. Yet, if you have normal blood pressure, they can cause unneeded side effects such as stroke and heart attack. So, weigh the risk because these meds might not be right for you.
- Therapeutic Massage – As many migraine sufferers know, back and neck tension can be a huge trigger for a migraine to attack. So to get a massage can be a great relief to the onset of a migraine. However, most think they can go and get a Swedish massage or deep-tissue, but this will only cause more pain and bring on the migraine faster.
- Migraine Support Formula – This formula uses a natural approach to migraine treatment by combining a precise amount of herbs, vitamins and minerals to help minimize the intensity and frequency of the symptoms and even the migraine itself. Some of the ingredients include: Valerian, Butterbur, Coenzyme Q10, Magnesium Citrate, Riboflavin and many more.
Tags: Acupuncture, Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, Massage Therapy, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, neurological condition
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