Warning labels on the back of medications are put there for a reason, they are not to be ignored. The warning label on the back of a prescription is designed to alert the tentative user of all the side effects that this particular medication could potentially cause therefore take with caution. If a medication has been prescribed by a physician the patient often makes the mistake of thinking or believing that the medication is safe. Why? Because patients are designed to trust that the medical professional in his or her life know what they are doing and have their best interest at heart.
In most cases this is true, that a medical professional knows what he or she is talking about and that knowledge is reflected by the way he or she prescribes and treats their patients. There are those cases however where a medical professional makes an unwise choice and prescribes a medication that may not be in the patient’s best interest to take. Prescription medications do have a place in the medical world and they have been effective at relieving chronic conditions such as migraine headaches but that does not mean that they are a safe option for everyone.
Every Body Is Different
Every body is unique and every body responds differently to treatment. What may be effective and safe for one migraine sufferer could be harmful for another. The use of prescription medications such as triptans and ergots could be deadly to some migraine sufferers. Triptans and ergots are two migraine treatment options that have had great success at relieving migraine pain. The drugs work by way of constricting or narrowing the blood vessels thus preventing them from expanding or enlarging thus causing migraine pain.
The medications do a wonderful job of constricting the blood vessels in fact they do such a great job that they can constrict them to well and cause a heart attack , stroke, kidney failure and even death. It is important that those contemplating the use of prescription medications such as triptans and ergots that all warning labels are read thoroughly in order to have the safest and most effective treatment results.
Tags: enlarged blood vessels, Ergots, headache, migraine, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, Migraines, natural migraine treatment, nausea, Prescription medication, treating migraines, Triptans
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