A Crick In The Neck
I woke up this morning with some bad neck and back pain. Also when I lift the heavy boxes of chocolate I used for my business, I have some back pain if I don’t lift correctly; you know, from the … Continue reading …
I woke up this morning with some bad neck and back pain. Also when I lift the heavy boxes of chocolate I used for my business, I have some back pain if I don’t lift correctly; you know, from the … Continue reading …
Do you think you suffer with chronic migraines? Are you unsure as to what the pains being felt in your head are really about? If you are new to head pain than you might be wondering why you are suddenly … Continue reading …
It is easy to imagine or believe that physical trauma, car accident or chemotherapy has the ability or the power to knock a person down for several days if not years but when it comes to imagining that something as … Continue reading …
When an individual comes down with a cold or the flu, their body begins to undergo several changes. For example, eyes begin to water, nose gets red, the eyes look tired and their body feels very week. The body is … Continue reading …
Migraine headaches are defined as a severe, pulsating headache, often associated with autonomic symptoms and typically unilateral (only affecting one of half of the head), usually lasting anywhere from four up to seventy two hours. Symptoms can include blurred vision, … Continue reading …
The idea or thought of being trapped and unable to escape is a terrifying thought to have and not one that should be entertained for a long period of time. For those suffering with chronic migraines, the feeling of being … Continue reading …
What is it about a migraine headache that makes a person completely want to go insane and bang his or her head up against a wall? Could it be the pain that the migraine causes or could it be the … Continue reading …
Migraine triggers are hidden in every aspect of life. Migraine triggers if not known could not only shed light on the secret of migraine headaches and their causes but also help chronic sufferers treat his or her migraine more effectively. … Continue reading …
When it comes to looking for a way to treat painful migraine symptoms, there are several different avenues a person can take. A migraine headache is a miserable thing to have to endure and for someone who is on the … Continue reading …
The pounding and throbbing sensations that occupies a chronic migraine sufferers brain begins to take its toll after the first few migraine attacks and the need for a preventative migraine treatment drives a migraine sufferer into his or her doctor’s … Continue reading …