It is easy to imagine or believe that physical trauma, car accident or chemotherapy has the ability or the power to knock a person down for several days if not years but when it comes to imagining that something as trivial as a migraine headache as having that kind of power it is difficult to fathom. Though it may seem odd it is true, a migraine headache does have the power to knock a person out of commission for several days, but why?
The reason that migraines are so powerful has to do with the way the migraine develops. A migraine is thought to be by medical professionals a neurological condition due to the way it develops in the brain and causes the body to undergo a physiological and chemical change. A migraine affects the chemical balance in the brain, therefore when the chemical is altered the brain responds. In the case of a migraine: once the blood vessels in the brain begin to expand, the chemical reaction is altered and causes a throbbing / pounding head sensation. The enlarging of the blood vessels in the brain can take up to three days; during the duration of expanding, the blood vessels release a harmful chemical into the brain.
Migraine Symptoms
The chemical that had been released into the brain makes a beeline straight for the brains arteries where it then begins to attack them causing several migraine symptoms to be unleashed and create havoc on the migraine victim. Migraine symptoms range from moderate to severe and for the migraine victim the intensity and duration of a migraine is tough to cope with when dealing with life and all the responsibilities that come with it. The symptoms of a migraine are what make the migraine so intense. The effects that migraine symptoms can have is crippling the symptoms of a migraine are listed below speak with a medical professional about the different treatment options that are available and research their effectiveness before use.
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Blurred Vision
- Diarrhea
- Sensitivity To Light And Sound
- Throbbing / Pounding Head Pain
- Dizziness
Tags: Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, nausea, pounding, Throbbing, treating migraines
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