Horticultural jargon is not my forte nor do I claim to know much about the topic at all, however, I do admire those that do. It never ceases to amaze me the vast information some people possess on plants, herbs … Continue reading …
Horticultural jargon is not my forte nor do I claim to know much about the topic at all, however, I do admire those that do. It never ceases to amaze me the vast information some people possess on plants, herbs … Continue reading …
Feverfew is native to Europe and the Balkan Peninsula. Feverfew has been used for centuries in Europe as a form of folk medicine to treat illness such as arthritis, headaches and fevers. Though Feverfew is native to Europe, feverfew is … Continue reading …
Migraines are debilitating forms of headaches that can often lead to the interruption of simple daily tasks in the life of a person who is suffering with them. A migraine is defined as a severe, pulsating headache, often associated with … Continue reading …
Migraine. That word all in itself can bring feelings of fear and agony in the hearts of those suffering with them. Can they be stopped or prevented though? This is the million dollar question. For individuals who deal with migraines, … Continue reading …
After years of suffering with chronic debilitating migraine pain, the thought of enduring one more is utterly depressing. For those unfamiliar with the effect that migraines have on their sufferers, consider this article a brief tutorial on migraines, their symptom, … Continue reading …
Migraine headaches can leave their victims caged in their bedroom lights off and begging for complete silence. Migraines have a way of leaving their sufferers completely debilitated and immobile unable to process a complete thought much less attempt to function … Continue reading …
Migraine headaches can develop as early as childhood and follow one into adulthood. Not every child that has experienced migraines as a child will be plagued with through adulthood but there is a possibility. Research has shown that if there … Continue reading …
Taking a holistic approach to treating chronic health concerns such as migraines is a safe alternative to treating them with prescription medication. Prescription drugs have a place in the medical world and have done wonderful things in the lives of … Continue reading …
Migraine headaches are characterized often times by their painful symptoms, length and stages. Blood vessels in the brain can become enlarged releasing chemicals to attack brain arteries thus bringing on a migraine headache. As the blood vessels enlarge the migraine … Continue reading …
Postdrome is one of the four stages associated with migraines. As a migraine begins to develop, the migraine suffers progresses from one stage to the next enduring the level of intensity each time it reaches a new heightened level. The … Continue reading …