Feverfew is native to Europe and the Balkan Peninsula. Feverfew has been used for centuries in Europe as a form of folk medicine to treat illness such as arthritis, headaches and fevers. Though Feverfew is native to Europe, feverfew is now found in Australia and North America. Originally grown for medicinal purposes this daisy look alike can be found in some gardens and are known for being fast growers that customarily require a lot of room to grow and spread.
The Latin word for feverfew means “fever reducer” since the herbs discovery the medicinal purposes has always entailed the ability to reduce fevers. In more recent years, research has shown that feverfew has the ability to help reduce migraine pain. Feverfew is now used in the treatment of vascular headaches such as migraines.
What Is A Migraine?
A migraine is a form of a vascular headache meaning that when the blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge they release a dangerous chemical to run amuck and torment the brains arteries bringing forth a series of painful symptoms felt in the head such as:
- Throbbing
- Pounding
- Nausea
- Sensitivity to light and sound
- Dizziness
- Cognitive Confusion
The symptoms and pain levels increase until the blood vessels have stopped growing – this can take anywhere from four to seventy two hours.
How Can Feverfew Help?
Doctors are unable to pinpoint what causes the blood vessels to enlarge and signal pain; however they do have several thoughts and theories. It is thought that Migraines can develop when serotonin is released from platelets found in the blood vessels. Feverfew has the ability to relax the built up tension in the blood vessels not only relieving migraine pain but helping with inflammation. If feverfew is taken before the onset of a headache, it can increase ones chances of avoiding a debilitating migraine attack.
Feverfew is even effective to those who suffer from severe menstrual cramping or menstrual migraines. It seems as though feverfew is able to relieve the stress that hormonal changes can have on the body. It is important that those suffering with chronic migraine take into consideration the positive effect that feverfew could have on their quality of life.
Tags: enlarged blood vessels, Fever Few, inflammation, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine releif, Natural Ingredients, natural migraine treatment, Throbbing, treating migraines
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