Horticultural jargon is not my forte nor do I claim to know much about the topic at all, however, I do admire those that do. It never ceases to amaze me the vast information some people possess on plants, herbs and nature in general. I have never been a fan of medication of any kind and do my best to refrain from using it; so when issues arise regarding my personal health, I strive to find natural alternatives to treating whatever ails me.
While I was pregnant, I learned a few new things about myself.
- I hate pain
- Due to my heart condition I am not allowed an epidural ( found out during labor)
- My body responds really quickly to Pitocin
- I hallucinate when given Nubain
Due to the fact that my body is not accustomed to foreign substances such as prescription medication, when it is given medication it responds oddly and I began to have all sorts of crazy symptoms and side effects. I say all that to say this: after having a child, my body began to change (besides the added weight in bad places). I went from loving salty foods to craving sweets, after seven years of resisting soda to literally begging for a Pepsi after I pushed her out, having never experienced a migraine to enduring them once a quarter or so.
I have always considered myself one that handles pain well, but after living through a migraine (worse than child birth), I began to question my stamina. I needed something to kill the pain and I needed it before my next migraine. Doing my best to avoid medication, I began to seek out information on natural migraine soothers. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that ginger could help soothe several of the debilitating migraine symptoms I endured during attacks.
Medicinal Purposes
Ginger is often used for medicinal purposes such as treating pain from arthritis, blood thinning, and cholesterol and for me personally – nausea and upset stomach. Research has shown that ginger has the ability to attach to the brains serotonin receptors thus helping calm the affect that the enlarged blood vessels can have on the brains arteries. Ginger is also used as an aid in helping reduce bouts of diarrhea.
Tags: Ginger, headache, herbal remedies, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, Migraine releif, migraine treatment, nausea, pounding, Prescription medication, treating migraines
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