Taking a holistic approach to treating chronic health concerns such as migraines is a safe alternative to treating them with prescription medication. Prescription drugs have a place in the medical world and have done wonderful things in the lives of some individuals, however not every body is designed to respond well to prescription medication and an alternative treatment plan. Chromic migraine sufferers are all too familiar with the symptoms associated with migraines and the limits that come while enduring a migraine headache.
The body encounters a physiological change when a migraine takes place therefore adding a foreign substance into the body that is purposed to help fix the body could have an adverse effect or add further complications. Taking a holistic approach to migraine treatment can eliminate the possibility of the body responding poorly to prescription drugs. There are several holistic migraine treatments that have proven to be successful in treating migraine pain.
Chiropractic methods such as massage, adjustments and spinal manipulation have helped ease migraine pain. The combination of chiropractic methods with natural supplements such as Ginger, Vitamin B, Magnesium Citrate and Feverfew will not only aid in pain relief but can also reduce the frequency of migraine outbreaks.
The manipulation of needles into the body in strategic patterns has been used for centuries as a form of holistic treatment. Acupuncture has been said to help relieve migraine headaches when placed in the accurate pressure points.
Feverfew like acupuncture has been used for centuries as a natural herbal migraine treatment.
Research has shown that migraine headaches may be triggered by low levels of magnesium and that by adding high dosages of magnesium citrate could reduce the occurrences of migraines.
A study done on 245 migraine sufferers showed that those who used the herb butterbur showed a decrease in migraine attacks in a four month span. Holistic migraine treatments can be just as affective as prescription medication only without the hazardous side effects that are common place with prescription medication.
Tags: Acupuncture, Butterbur, Chiropractic, Feverfew, Ginger, holistic approach, Magnesium, Magnesium Citrate, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine releif, migraine treatment, physiological change, Vitamin B
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