Postdrome is one of the four stages associated with migraines. As a migraine begins to develop, the migraine suffers progresses from one stage to the next enduring the level of intensity each time it reaches a new heightened level. The four stages of a migraine are:
- Prodrome – begins several days before the onset of the migraine headache itself. Prodrome has several symptoms such as food cravings, behavior changes and fatigue.
- Aura – begins to reveal itself twenty to sixty minutes before the actual migraine headache set is. During the aura stage, the potential migraine sufferer becomes increasingly sensitive to light and will begin to see experience visual difficulties such as black dots, zigzag lines and images with a glow.
- Headache – here is where the throbbing, pounding and the need to escape to a dark place increases. The headache can last up to seventy two hours and bring on symptoms such as nausea, sensitivity to light and smells as well as vomiting.
- Postdrome – The effect the migraine has on the body after the major headache has dissipated
Postdrome is where we are going to camp for a while. Postdrome is the last of the four stages and is what the body experiences in the aftermath of a terrible migraine headache. Whenever one develops a migraine headache, their body undergoes a physiological change and does not revert back to normal until after the Postdrome stage.
The Aftermath
Even though the intense throbbing pain of the headache stage may be over, the body can still have somewhat of an aftershock with stage four and display one or two more symptoms. For however long the migraine lasted, whether it have been four hours or seventy two, the pain felt was real and intense. Walking away from a migraine unscathed is pretty uncommon; most migraine sufferers will complain of sore muscles, stiff neck, weakness and fatigue.
Migraine warnings, stages and symptoms rob men and women precious valuable time that they cannot get back. For chronic migraine sufferers this misery can happen several times a year or even once a month. Migraine treatment can help put an end to migraine pain. Migraine treatment can lessen migraine occurrences when the right migraine treatment is sought. Speak with a medical professional about migraine treatments and get your life back!
Tags: headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine releif, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, Throbbing
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