A migraine is a chronic condition that affects millions of Americans each year and is widely thought of as one of the worst non-life threatening illnesses to have; it is believed this way because of the migraine’s ability to inflict the sufferer with relentless pain and debilitating symptoms. It is for this reason that migraines top the charts as the most common excuse given to employers from their employees for missing work due to an illness. Surprisingly, migraine headaches aren’t actually an illness or a disease; it is more clearly defined as a syndrome or condition which has no cure yet won’t cause death due to the symptoms.
Symptoms And Unplanned Days
A migraine develops in the brain and causes the offset of several miserable symptoms such as:
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Constipation
• Blurred Vision
• Dizziness
• Sensitivity To Light And Sound
• Cognitive Confusion
With such intense symptoms associated with the onset of a migraine, it is no wonder that migraine sufferers can feel so incapacitated when in the midst of a migraine attack. Feeling alone and isolated are normal and common feelings for a chronic migraine sufferer; it is important for a migraine patient to feel love and support from his or her family during a migraine attack in order to prevent feelings of isolation.
A migraine attack is not something that is planned nor is it something that can be avoided. Those that suffer with this chronic condition wishes that life could be different and that relief could be had but it is not always the case. There are those migraine sufferers that spend years in isolation and suffering with incapacitating symptoms because the migraine treatments being used are not effective enough to relieve the pain sufficiently.
How To Go About getting Relief
The first step toward migraine relief should come in the form of a meeting with a medical professional where migraine treatment options are discussed, viewed and thought over. Migraine treatment is the only source of which any relief can be found. Sadly there is no cure for chronic migraines at this time so migraine treatment is the only effective option. When it comes to migraine treatment, there are several things that a migraine sufferer should be aware of such as side effects that may be associated with the medication or the treatment.
There are migraine treatments that are effective and safe with no adverse side effects. Natural migraine treatments are the way to go if you are looking for safe, effective and no adverse side effects. The following is a list of natural migraine treatments that should be considered:
• Acupuncture
• Massage Therapy
• Chiropractic Care
• Prescription Meds
• Herbal Supplements
Doing Your Best To Reduce The Pain
Reducing migraine headaches by way of natural treatments is not only safer it has proven to be even more effective than the use of prescription medications. Why? Herbal remedies or herbal supplements are easier on the body and the body’s digestive tract. When taking herbal supplements such as Ginger, Feverfew or Magnesium the body does not react negatively therefore making them more effective.
Studies have shown that herbal supplements when used separately can be effective on their own but when used together they can have an even more profound response to migraine pain. One Formula known as the Migraine Support Formula combines several different herbs together to create a migraine fighting formula. The ingredients used in the Migraine Support Formula are not only powerful they are effective the following is a list of the natural ingredients found in the migraine Support Formula.
• Ginger
• Feverfew
• Magnesium Citrate
• Butterbur
• Coenzyme Q10
• Valerian
• Gingko Biloba
The Opposite Of Herbs
Prescription medication is a temptation for migraine sufferers due to the ease of use and their convenience. However, when it comes to migraine medications such as antidepressants, blood pressure pills, triptans and ergots, there are several side effects that come hand in hand with their use that can leave a person with further health complications such as:
• Heart Attack
• Stoke
• Kidney Failure
• Depression
• Insomnia
Prescription medications are an excellent example of why it is so important that a migraine sufferer uses caution when seeking out an effective migraine treatment. At this point in history, there is no known migraine cure making it even more important the migraine treatment implemented is a safe one because it will be used for an extended period of time.
Tags: blurred vision, dizziness, head pain, lightheadedness, migraine symptoms, nausea, vomiting
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