Since life can be difficult, I will make this part easy; you can’t beat the migraine condition without the use of a migraine treatment. Migraines come in four stages and can incapacitate a person for three days or more with immense pain and frustrating symptoms. So what is a good treatment for migraines? Can I ever find relief or is it a lost cause? These question might be plaguing you but don’t give up. Do some research as to what treatments are available and which has side effects and which don’t. Even consulting with you doctor can be helpful as the two of you can determine the right migraine treatment for you.
Migraine Support Formula
One of your options is using the Migraine Support Formula. Developed by the Migraine Treatment Group, this formula was designed to help migraine sufferers regain their lives and control over their chronic migraine condition. It utilizes a precise combination of all-natural vitamins, herbs and minerals to combat the migraine epidemic, with no known side effects I might add. Here are some of the ingredients:
- Feverfew – This daisy looking plant is in a moderate climate like the one in southern Chile and has been used by physicians throughout the years as a way to eliminate fevers. It’s kind of why it got its name. Feverfew can also lower inflammation as well; this will help the inflamed trigeminal nerve which delivers its own payload of pain.
- Niacin – Vitamin B3 or Niacin is a key essential nutrient in unlocking energy from carbs and fats in the blood stream. A lack or deficiency in a B3-rich diet could bring about the following symptoms: depression, irritability, anxiety, fatigue and even poor concentration. It is interesting to note that millions of people every year in America suffer from depression or anxiety or poor concentration and focus (ADHD / ADD) and America has one of the highest concentrations of corn related product consumption rates in the world. Corn or Maize is one of the only vegetables to have the lowest amount of soluble niacin in it. Coincidence…I think not.
- Ginger – The root that most are familiar with for calming digestion and stopping the up-chucking is Ginger. Found primarily in Southeast Asia, Ginger has been use or years to cure the upset stomach and since nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal issues are common symptoms for a migraine, Ginger can help out a bunch.
Tags: Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, headache, herbal, migraine prevention, Migraine Support Formula, natural migraine treatment, Niacin, Riboflavin, Vitamin B3
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