Migraines are believed to be chronic neurological conditions defined as moderate to intolerable headaches. The symptoms sometimes include sensitivity to light as well as nausea. Migraine headaches are likewise considered a biological disease. They are also described by throbbing head pain, which is habitually found to be on one side of the head. The migraine can occur on one side of the head in one attack and transpire on the other during the next attack; however, for many, the migraines start on the same side practically every time. Nausea, hypersensitivity to light, vomiting, and dizziness often correspond with an occurrence. Migraines start as a dull ache then worsen within minutes to hours and last anywhere from six to forty-eight hours sometimes even longer.
There is no known cure for migraine however there are a few things you can do to try to keep them at bay so to speak. Incidentally, migraine attacks are found to be just about three times more common in women than they are in men. It is recommended to try your best to find out what might be your most common triggers and then of course, try your best to avoid them at all cost. Attempt to discover what kinds of foods, as well as what varieties of smells like which brands of perfumes, trigger your migraines. However the absolute best way to keep migraines at bay is to put together a solid regiment that will surely include quite a few lifestyle modifications.
Helpful lifestyle modifications
• Keep a regular schedule- It is okay to be “boring”.
• Get enough sleep- Go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time each morning.
• Eat on a regular schedule- Make sure to keep your body fed. People subjected to migraines have a tendency to be much more prone to the effects of dehydration and hunger. Make certain to always keep a bottle of water and a snack close.
• Reduce your stress load- Research has shown stress to be one of the leading lifestyle causes linked with migraine attacks. Unfortunately, for most people, myself included, this is also one of the hardest ones to avoid in this time and age. That being said, obviously, we can’t get rid of all of life’s stress; however, there are things you can do to lessen the load so to speak, as well as deal with it better. Learning stress management techniques, like meditation as well as cognitive behavioral strategies, are without question vital for people with recurrent stress-related migraine attacks.
Lifestyle modifications are always helpful in reducing migraine attacks; however there are additional ways and alternative methods that can be just as beneficial as well. There are of course, always the over the counter medications as well as the prescription drugs from your local pharmacy, however because of cost and side effects now a days many are turning to more effective alternative methods. Thanks to advances in research as well as technology there are many various alternative ways to better manage our migraine headaches. Some of these have been tried and true for centuries in countries like Europe as well as in America while others are fairly new methods yet all have been known to provide quite beneficial results.
Herbal remedies
A number of studies have generated encouraging results from the following herbal treatments for migraines.
• Feverfew is a plant that has been used as a remedy for over a hundred of years. This herb is offered in capsules and tablet forms as well as teabags and liquid extracts.
• Butterbur root is normally made into an essential oil which can be applied to the temples.
• Ginger tea has been found to work well for migraine headaches that take place near the front of the head.
• Rosemary has been recognized as a natural migraine treatment for many centuries in countries like China and Europe.
The two simple methods aromatherapy is accomplished is by applying the oils to the skin and by inhalation.
• Peppermint oil massaged into the temples for pain, also known to help in relieving nausea.
• Sweet Almond Oil is also helpful in relieving the pain.
• One that is very beneficial for migraines caused by anxiety, as well to calm you, and to help you sleep: mix Chamomile essential oil, with Neroli oil for a mind of clarity, then add Lavender essential oil and Marjoram oil to relieve stress then massage the forehead, temples and solar plexus, or you can breathe it in deeply. This mixture is quite relaxing used in a nice warm bath to soak for at the least fifteen minutes.
Tags: blurred vision, dizziness, head pain, lightheadedness, migraine symptoms, nausea, vomiting
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