A plant commonly referred to as Butterbur is related to the daisy family. Butterbur plants are vigorous plants that feature thick, underground large rhubarb-like leaves when in bloom. The blooms on a Butterbur resemble short spikey flowers that typically bloom just before the leaves sprout in spring. In order for the Butterbur plant to grow effectively, they need to be bred in a moist environment such as riverbanks, marshes and ditches.
Brief History
Little is known about the Butterbur plant much about this herb remains a mystery. What little information we do know has all been positive on its ability to treat certain medical conditions. It seems as though Germany was the first to discover the soothing effect that Butterbur could have on conditions such as migraine headaches. Butterbur has since been reports to have been a popular treatment used by Native Americans as an herbal remedy for headaches and inflammation.
Medicinal Benefits
Butterbur possesses petasin and isopetasin and it is said that the root of the butterbur contains the highest concentrated levels of this substance which has proven to be beneficial in treating migraine severity. After diagnosing the butterbur plant and its roots, reports have shown that the substance extracted from the butterbur root has proven to relieve severe migraine headaches effectively, in addition to the information that was compiled in Swiss study where it appeared as though butterbur extract can have a positive effect on hay fever with very little adverse side effects compared to other hay fever treatments.
Butterbur is a twofold approach to treating migraines.
- It removes the painful symptoms associated with migraine headaches by helping ease the inflammation that affects the chemicals in the brain.
- Butterbur has the capabilities to act as a natural beta blocker. A beta blocker helps control blood flow to the brain, beta blockers can help control blood pressure and spasmodic capillary two possible causes for the onset of a migraine.
Migraines have a history of leaving their victims motionless for several days, choosing a natural approach to treating painful symptoms can help limit the amount of time one spends out of commission as a result of migraine pain.
Tags: adverse side effects, Butterbur, butterbur extract, Butterbur plant, inflammation, migraine headaches, painful symptoms, treating migraine
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