Migraine headaches are one of the most common forms of ailments known around the world. Some twenty million men and women suffer with chronic migraines. Migraine headaches are a neurological condition and fall into the vascular headache category due to the chemical reaction the brain has once a migraine begins to develop. Migraine pain is brought on by the releasing of harmful chemicals into the brain.
A migraine is called a migraine when the following takes place: blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge and release harmful chemicals into the brain, the chemicals that have been released begin to attack the brains arteries sending out a series of painful migraine symptoms that could develop and worsen over a three day period. There are several migraine symptoms that make life nearly impossible to function while experiencing two of these so called symptoms would be vision and mentality related.
It is thought to be true that migraine patients undergo four stages when coping with a migraine attack. One of the migraine stages is referred to as the aura stage; it is during this aura stage that the victim begins to develop symptoms related to his or her vision. Sensitivity to light causes migraine sufferers to seek the comfort of a dark room. Stimulating lights such as flashing lights or strobe lights can create further head pain as well as induce migraine vomiting.
Besides being overly sensitive to lighting, issues with vision such as black spots behind the eyes and blurred vision create complications when one is trying to be effective at work.
During the third migraine stage also known as the headache stage, the migraine patient reaches the ultimate level of migraine pain. It is during this painful stage that mental computing becomes severely challenging and nearly impossible. Cognitive confusion is often one of the more confusing symptoms that only increases the irritability and frustration of the migraine patient.
Treatment Needed
Without a migraine treatment, terrible migraine symptoms will continually plague their victims repeatedly. It is vital that chronic migraine patients seek the advice of their attending medical professional regarding various forms of migraine treatment. Several possible migraine treatments that can be discussed with your doctor would include:
- Acupuncture
- Massage Therapy
- Supplements
- Chiropractic Adjustments
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, Massage Therapy, migraine headaches, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment, natural treatment, supplements
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