A migraine attack is very painful one is unable to deny that basic truth, however it is treatable and a migraine prone individual can return to life with some form of normality. Though migraines are treatable they are not curable therefore the implementing of a migraine treatment does not imply that all migraines from now till the end of time will be forever erased, it just means that there is a chance that the migraine pain can be lessened, duration shortened and frequency reduced.
The problem is that most migraine sufferers do not want to take the time that is needed to insure that a safe and effective migraine treatment is implemented instead they rush forward and take part in whatever treatment that can get their hands on, thus making for a bad situation. The most common preventative measures are avoiding triggers or factors that can set off a migraine or take medication to help lessen the chances of a migraine developing. . A few of the medication that a doctor might prescribe to assist with lessening the occurrence of migraines would be:
• Anti-depressants
• Anti-Seizure Medication
• Blood Pressure Medication
• Triptans
• Beta Blockers
Prescription medications can come with several adverse side effects and should never be used out from under the care of a physician. Prescription medication should be one of the last treatments tried in helping relieve migraine headaches; however, until recent years, migraine sufferers had very few options in relieving their migraine pain but now there are several medications that medical professionals can prescribe but is the consequences and side effects worth it?
Side Effects OF Migraine Medications
Triptans have been useful in the treatment of migraine pain, however there are a few risks involved that those considering treating their migraines with triptans ought to be aware of. The most common side effects associated with triptans are but not limited to:
• Drowsiness
• Facial Reddening
• Fatigue
• Tightening In The Chest
• Tightening In The Throat
• Dizziness
The role Triptans play in releasing migraine pain is due to the affect triptans have on the restriction of blood vessels or the narrowing of them to prevent them from enlarging and creating migraine pain. Though narrowing is part of their job, it can also have a reverse effect by not only narrowing the arteries in the head but also create a narrowing of the arteries in the heart. This becomes increasingly dangerous for those individuals that have already experienced some form of coronary narrowing. The narrowing caused by the triptans could lead to further narrowing resulting in a heart attack or stroke. So let me ask you – Is It Worth It?
Tags: herbal supplements, Migraine Medications, Migraine Support Formula, Prescription medication, side effects, Triptans
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