A person who has never experienced a migraine can often think that possibly one who is suffering from a migraine could be over reacting, after all it is “just a headache” right? Wrong! Any individual who has been plagued by migraine attacks will most definitely tell you it is not just a headache, and anyone in close relationship with a person having migraines would also attest to how much these attacks can interfere with daily life. Migraines are defined as severe or pulsating headache, often associated with autonomic symptoms and typically unilateral (only affecting one side of the head), usually lasting from four to seventy-two hours. The symptoms associated with migraines can include blurred vision, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, as well as sensitivity to light and sound. For a person who is suffering from these severe headaches it is very important to find a migraine treatment and often that treatment can begin by just knowing the warning signs and triggers that may occur before such an attack..
Warning Signs
The thing about migraines is that they almost always have warning signs, triggers, or both that will occur before a full blown attack takes place. Because an individual can usually pinpoint what their specific warning signs and triggers are it can be a great preventative migraine treatment. The most common warning signs that would precursor an attack that migraine sufferers need to be aware of would be fatigue, depression, obsessive yawning, food cravings (especially those high in sugar and/or salt), mood changes, irritability, and drowsiness. When a person prone to migraines begins to have any of these symptoms they might want to be more aware of the fact that they are more susceptible to an attack in the near future so that they can try and avoid the migraine attack all together.
Just like the warning signs, individuals can also pinpoint their specific triggers (which will be different for every person). Triggers most often begin with a specific source (or combination of sources) such as physical, environmental, or physiological causes. For a person seeking migraine treatment it is of vital importance that enough (but not too much!) rest is obtained on a regular basis. Studies have shown that a normal sleep habit can greatly reduce migraines and their symptoms. Caffeine, hormonal changes, certain foods and stress are other common triggers. Lastly to mention is lighting – bright, intense, flashing, or visually stimulating light sources can be a trigger for migraines. Avoidance of certain lighting is significant in individuals who are looking for migraine treatment.
Tags: blurred vision, dizziness, lightheadedness, migraine, migraine attack, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, Migraines, nausea, treating migraines, vomiting
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