Studies have shown that more than 20 million American’s suffer from migraines. These migraines affect the individuals who suffer from them, along with their families, by interfering with finances as well as family time. The painful symptoms that cause a person to be out of commission include moderate to severe pain (on one or both sides of the head), pulsating or throbbing pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sensitivity to light and sound, as well as blurred vision or auras. For a person suffering from these severe headaches it is important to find migraine treatment. Supplemental Therapies have been shown to be helpful in the case of both migraine treatment and prevention.
Prevent The Trigger
The best form of prevention in regards to migraine treatment is understanding the warning signs connected with a migraine. Migraine triggers vary within individuals and especially differ when it comes to males vs. females. When individuals take note of the symptoms that often precursor migraines, they may be able to recognize their own personal warning signs and be able to stop the migraine before it starts. Triggers often begin with a specific source (or combination) such as physical, environmental, or physiological causes; it is also beneficial to those seeking migraine treatment to also know their prompts their migraines. Some of the most common triggers are:
• Sleep. For a person seeking migraine treatment it is vital that they get enough rest. Studies have shown that a normal sleep habit can greatly reduce migraines and their symptoms.
• Hormones. More so with Females, as monthly cycles can affect migraines because of the changes of estrogen within the body. Menstrual migraines can be reduced if hormone levels can leveled throughout the month.
• Lighting. Bright, Intense, Flashing, or visually stimulating light sources can be a trigger for migraines. Avoidance of certain trigger lighting is substantial in those looking for migraine treatment.
• Foods. Certain foods such as aged cheeses and chocolates are known to be migraine triggers.
• Caffeine. When ingested in small doses usually there are no issues, however, in high doses can bring on a migraine.
• Stress. Stress is one of the physiological triggers. While complete avoidance of stress may not be obtainable, it is important for those that have migraines to learn how to deal with and manage stress.
After trying to prevent these horrible headaches through knowing the triggers, you must implement a migraine treatment option as your form of treatment; migraines are not curable.
Tags: constipation, Depression, emotional stress, Fatigue, migraine triggers, Migraines, natural migraine treatment, strange food cravings, triggers
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