Avoidance is a common factor of the human condition; we tend to choose the path of least resistance when times get tough. Some problems, like traffic on a busy street, can be avoided with no to few negative consequences. Other problems, like a failing master cylinder in your car’s braking system, can have devastating consequences when they go out at 65 MPH. Migraines are one such problem. They can come upon you quicker than a Florida shower in the summertime. So to avoid them would be unwise and since there is no cure, you can’t completely eliminate them from your life one you have them.
The Chain Reaction
Migraines are signaled by a trigger that is experienced by the person; these triggers are different and unique for each person. Here are some of the known triggers: bright lights, certain foods, caffeine-enriched beverages, hunger, stress, fatigue, lack of sleep or too much sleep, weather changes, humidity, neck / back tension and even uncomfortable smells like perfume or body odor or cigarette smoke. Once the trigger is encountered by the individual, the migraine process begins. Blood vessels in the brain will begin to expand and change in viscosity causing a chemical to be released into the brain. This foreign chemical will attack the arteries in the brain bringing about such immense pain that all the sufferer wants to do is crawl into a ball and wade out the storm. Along with the intense pain, here are some other symptoms that are experienced: constipation, blurred vision, loss of cognitive reasoning, vomiting, vertigo, nausea, loss of motor function and even temporary blindness in one eye (during the aura stage of the migraine). These symptoms and the throbbing pain will not cease until the blood vessels that initiated the migraine return back to their original size and position.
Some Relief
Some relief can be had for migraine sufferers when they adhere to a migraine treatment plan diagnosed by their doctor. You cannot avoid this step of the process as this is the only way to gain a foot hold and some relief; depending on which migraine treatment you choose, some people have even mentioned that their symptoms and the migraine itself has disappeared completely. So please consult with your physician to determine which migraine treatment is best for you.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, Chronic migraine, Massage Therapy, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, Migraine Support Formula, natural treatment, neurological condition, Prescription medication, symptoms, Throbbing, treating migraines
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