The most popular way to treat chronic migraines is through the use of over the counter medicines and through prescription medications. The problem with both of these treatment approaches is that they can leave the migraine sufferer vulnerable to addiction and lifelong complications. Rather than put your personal health at risk using these two migraine treatments can be an effective –yet unusual- way to treat migraine pain safely.
The stressors of migraine pain can be eased using biofeedback. Biofeedback is a mind and body relaxation technique that helps migraine sufferers learn about their body’s natural internal process to control relaxation.
Biofeedback uses an electronic device to measure stress-related responses in the body. After much research biofeedback is able to help relieve many types of chronic pain, including fibromyalgia, neuropathy and migraine headaches.
The electronic device is connected so that it can inform the migraine patient and the therapist when the patient is physically relaxing his or her body. Sensors are able to report muscle tension, heart rate, breathing patter, the amount sweat produced and body temperature. Some therapists are able to use a single one of these sensors, although it may be helpful to use all, to see if a migraine patient is learning to relax.
The design of biofeedback is to first teach the body how to react to stressors in a controlled environment. Once the migraine patient is able to react properly inside of a controlled environment, then he or she should be able to start reacting properly in daily life.
There are many different types of biofeedback devices: Elecromyograph, Peripheral Skin Temperature, and Elecroderm Response will be discussed below.
EMG (Electromyograph)
The most common biofeedback therapy is the EMG. Because the EMG is used to help correct muscle pain and stiffness it can be the most useful for migraine patients. The device that is used is called an electromyograph which is able to measure the electricity given off by the patient’s muscles.
PST (Peripheral Skin Temperature)
A less common form of biofeedback is the PST. The PST is able to measure electrical impulses given off by the flow of a patient’s blood. By doing so, it is able to give information about skin temperature.
EDR (Elecroderm Response)
An EDR is considered sweating biofeedback. It is able to monitor electricity produced by a patient’s sweating reflexes. This form is usually used to help with anxiety and depression.
While some therapists just use one devise and type of biofeedback devices, it is most common for them to use a combination of biofeedback devices.
Coping with chronic migraines is particularly difficult because the symptoms are invisible as well as chronic and a person can’t simply “get over” migraines with the passage of neither time nor wishful thinking, no matter how much they may want to. So therefore, among other alternative methods, aromatherapy promises to help migraine sufferers decrease their pain, while improving their mood and outlook on life.
Oils Can Help Individuals With Migraines, How?
- Pain can be taken care of naturally, decreasing the risk of the unwanted side effects as well as reducing the possibility of addiction to painkillers.
- Oils can have an obvious effect on one’s psychological and emotional state. Oils have the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, therefore positively affecting the mind. Oils have the potential to:
- Relieve anxiety
- Improve sleep
- Increase concentration
- Relieve depression.
- Can relieve many of the neuropsychiatric and emotional problems associated to this condition
Aromatherapy is becoming more and more popular because of the effects that aromatherapy appears to have on pain sensation and mood.
Which Aromatherapy Do You need?
- Pain Relief: spike lavender, sweet marjoram, lavender, Roman and German chamomile, clary sage, lemongrass, helichrysum, and peppermint Side note: Spike lavender along with peppermint and helichrysum together has anti-inflammatory properties.
- Stress / Anxiety: frankincense, sweet orange, bergamot, grapefruit, ylang ylang, sandalwood, neroli, mandarin, lavender, rose geranium, tangerine, jasmine
- Sleep Improvement: lavender, neroli, jasmine, marjoram, Roman chamomile
- Headaches: peppermint, marjoram, Roman chamomile, lavender (a peppermint stick that you can buy at a drug store also works exceptionally well when rubbed on your temples for headaches)
- Increased circulation: rosemary, ginger, black pepper, peppermint, lemongrass, rose geranium
- Increase energy: lemon, grapefruit, geranium
- Relaxation: lavender, chamomile, jasmine
- To ease sore joints and muscles: black pepper, eucalyptus, peppermint, juniper
Tags: Biofeedback, EDR (Elecroderm Response), EMG (Electromyograph), fibromyalgia treatment, natural treatment, PST (Peripheral Skin Temperature), sensors, sweating biofeedback
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