Have you ever known someone that takes a pill for every ailment known to man? Well, they will be dependent on those pills for the rest of their life unless they decide to call it quits and use a natural solution for their chronic migraines. Now there is no cure for migraines and most doctors will recommend a prescription medication as your primary treatment option. Yet there are those who will give leave to other more natural, holistic approaches such as massage therapy or supplemental deficiency adaption. Acupuncture is a natural way to affect change on your chronic migraine episodes yet not cause unwanted side effect like the prescription drugs will cause. Using needle to stimulate certain pressure point or energy centers of the body, the acupuncture professional will try to release the tension and energy needed to stop the disease or condition from affecting your life. Now if you are concerned as to how acupuncture could affect you, contact your physician to gain more information and understanding on acupuncture’s health benefits.
Is Surgery Really The Answer?
There is reason to believe that by the removing of muscles or nerves in certain areas that are considered trigger sites could be helpful in relieving migraines. Trigger sites are said to exist where sensory nerves are stimulated by a certain muscle, due to the stimulation caused by the muscle a series of painful symptoms begin to develop thus creating a migraine. Migraine surgery such as this one is not often considered as a migraine headache treatment plan unless no other form of migraine treatment is providing the needed relief to improve quality of life. Now, surgery may not be for everyone and so for those who don’t like the idea of a doctor poking around in your head, here are some migraine trigger which you can try to avoid:
- Hormones – For women who experience migraines once a month around the time of their menstrual may be aware of menstrual migraines and how they can affect functionality. Some women during their monthly cycle lose estrogen and the loss of estrogen sets off a chemical imbalance and the result is a migraine.
- Sleep – One’s sleep habits have much to do with migraines, whether it be: sleep deprivation, too much sleep or broken up sleep they are all connected to headaches. Studies have shown that when sleep habits are improved migraine headaches are less current and have shorter duration.
- Fasting – Caution should always be had when headache prone individuals take to fasting. A lack of nutrients to the body can reduce blood sugar levels setting off a series of stress-related hormones.
- Foods – Certain foods can set the stage for a migraine to appear allowing the venue for a four act production that gets worse and worse until someone takes pity and closes the curtain. Refraining from alcohol, caffeinated beverages, chocolate and even aged cheese can help reduce the chances of a migraine reappearing in hopes of receiving a standing ovation. Fish and other seafood have even been described as migraine triggering foods as they tend to resonate in the nostrils.
A Way To Ease The Pain
To help lessen migraine frequencies, shorten migraine duration and minimize the discomfort levels that arise with the onset of a migraine the migraine victim must first find a migraine treatment. Finding a migraine treatment can be bothersome and ineffective if the wrong treatments keep being administered. Most migraine treatments are found by trial and error if the first few treatments do not work then the patient is forced to keep looking till he or she finds one that does. This process seems like a lot of wasted time, it is important that an effective treatment is found so relief can be had. Natural treatment options are a safe and effective way to treat migraine pains. Our body responds well to natural or organic foods because there are no foreign substances for our body to reject. The same rule applies to medication. Natural migraine treatment such as the Migraine support Formula uses natural ingredients such as Riboflavin, Ginger, Feverfew, Magnesium, White Willow Bark, Butterbur and Gingko Biloba to give the migraine relief needed.
Riboflavin is also known as vitamin B2 and is helpful in relieving migraine pain because B2 is as crucial component in helping tissue respiration and the generation of energy metabolism from proteins, carbs and fats. It can be found in many common foods such as cheese, soy, meats, fish nuts, leafy green vegetables, mushrooms and even milk.
Tags: Acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol), migraine pain, migraine relief, natural migraine treatment, Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), over the counter medication, treating migraines
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