Can anyone plan their sickness? If you could, how much better would that be? No more sick holidays, missed work days or canceled dates. Life would be much smoother indeed if we were all able to plan ahead and strategize our sick days. Unfortunately, we are not allotted pre-warned of an impending migraines, or are we? If you are new to migraines, be prepared to be blown away with this statement – you can know when a migraine is on its way. Wow freaky huh, and you don’t even have to be psychic.
It is true. Migraines unlike headaches are not brought on suddenly; in fact, there are several preemptive warning signs. If learned, they could help migraine patients prepare and strategize the coming and going of his or her family, work projects and even prepare easy fix it yourself meals for the family. One of the main frustrations about a migraine is their ability to render a person useless for several days due to the intense head pain and limiting migraine symptoms. Stress is often considered to be a migraine trigger; however, I feel even during the course of a migraine stress levels rise due to the lack of being able to plan and prepare ones house and family schedule so that plenty of time and rest can be had to help ease the pain.
Migraine Triggers
Migraine triggers are like red flags alerting individuals that serious pain is on the way and if you have preventative migraine treatments such as triptans in your possession, now is the time to take them. Once a full blown migraine is under way there is no going back and seeking out pain relief. Migraine triggers often surround daily life and are for the most part unavoidable.
- Stress
- Hormones
- Foods
- Chocolate
- Cheese
- Alcohol
- Smells
- Body Odor
- Perfume
- Cigarette Smoke
- Weather
As you can see, migraine triggers are everywhere. Once you have encountered one, there are several steps you can take to help make the duration of your migraine smoother. Soon you will begin to notice symptoms such as: irritability, fatigue, food cravings and possibly insomnia. Once these symptoms begin to manifest, call family and close friends and ask if they are available to help in the next few days and then hunker down and get ready.
Tags: Hormones, migraine triggers, nausea, neurological condition, physiotherapy, Prescription medication, stress, treating migraines
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