If only those that suffer with intense chronic migraine headaches would learn to listen to their body and what their body is trying to communicate with them it would astound them at what difference it would make regarding treatment. Migraines are not headaches that quickly come on a person and from out of the blue. NO, a migraine headache (a real genuine migraine) creeps on slowly and sends out several warning signs to the tentative migraine sufferer. The problem lies within the migraine patient and his or her inability to discern when a migraine is approaching.
The body is a unique tool; it knows when something is out of whack and in order to protect itself the body begins to alert or send out warning signs in hopes of getting its owners attention. The problem with migraine headaches is that most of the preemptive warning signs associated with them are easily explained away therefore the migraine patient waits to long to seek out a migraine treatment.
Warning Signs
During a migraine, the body goes through four distinct stages. During the first stage of a migraine, the migraine patient has a small window of opportunity to implement a treatment before the window is gone and the next migraine stage has begun. Preemptive warning signs are the key to lessening the migraines duration and strength so it is crucial that chronic migraine sufferers learn what they are.
- Obsessive Yawning
- Food Cravings
- Fatigue
- Hyper Activity
- Increased Irritability
- Insomnia
As you can see, it would be difficult to decipher these symptoms or preemptive warning signs from any other ordinary bad day or rough sleep. One way to help with this is by keeping a migraine log or journal. In this journal, you would track your mood, feeling and any bodily changes that may be occurring that are different. Over time, you will begin to see a pattern, these warning signs will show up several days before any painful migraine symptom.
During the warning stage, migraines are most effectively treated. Increasing your vitamin B and D intake would be beneficial as well as the use of a specialized formula known as the Migraine Support Formula. The Migraine support Formula is a natural formula uniquely designed to treat migraines and lessen their occurrences and duration.
Tags: migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine stages, Migraine Support Formula, migraine symptoms, Migraines, natrual formula, treating migraines, warning stage
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