Having someone who you can relate to is an important commodity to have as there are many things that are easier to handle with some elbow-rubbing support. Migraines are one of those problems that can be handled well when someone knows how you’re feeling since the symptoms can debilitate you for several days. Now there are a few things that can help other than a good friend such as getting your sleep in. Adequate sleep is key when needing to heal the body especially with an incurable condition of migraines. Some have even found that the lack of sleep can intensify the condition further. Another way to help calm the condition is by eating a healthy and avoiding certain foods and additives that can be antagonistic toward the condition and its symptoms. And lastly, you need to find the best migraine treatment option which will minimize the effects and pain the migraine symptoms cause you. It might take a little bit of trial and error and your solution might be a combination of two treatment options but you will get the relief you need if you don’t give up. Read more to see the options and other info on migraines.
How The Process Works
A migraine attack is like a marathon; it builds slowly than hits a climatic point and leaves the victim trying to recoup for several days afterwards. The headache stage is the climax of the migraine attack wherein it often leaves migraine patients debilitated and incapacitated. Coming down from the worse stage would be the Postdrome stage where migraine sufferers are often left suffering from cognitive confusion and extreme fatigue. The affect that a migraine can have on the body is that the fourth and final migraine stage represents. It is during this final stage that a migraine patient may still suffer from mild cognitive confusion, head pain and bodily weakness. The Postdrome stage often last for two or three days as the body tries to regain its footing and return to normal. The best form of treatment during this final migraine stage would be to rest in a dark quiet room, over the counter medicine and avoid stress. No heavy lifting and only light household cleaning. Vigorous cleaning can lead to the onset of another migraine and without the first one completely out of your system you would be asking for problems and longer recoup time.
Stand Guard Against Your Migraine Warning Signs And Triggers
For those suffering from migraines, the obvious result is for the total elimination of these attacks. However sometimes there will be episodes; when that occurs, it is vital for the person to observe and chart any warning signs or triggers that would initiate a migraine attack. If these warning signs and triggers are noted quickly, prevention techniques can be used at that time to lessen the severity of the migraine. Some of the most common warning signs a migraine victim may feel are fatigue, depression, obsessive yawning, food cravings – particularly those high in sugar or salt, mood changes, irritability and even drowsiness. When individuals take the warnings seriously, they may be able to recognize their personal warning signs and be able to stop the migraine before it starts. Triggers are usually connected with a specific source such as physical, environmental, or physiological. Just like warning signs, triggers will also change among different people. Some of the most common among migraine victims are sleep depravity, hormonal changes, lighting, certain foods, caffeine, and stress. Avoidance of the triggers that effect the migraines can be the best type of prevention. It is crucial for people seeking migraine aid to keep a journal of situations, foods ingested, stress factors, or other environmental and physiological factors that may have occurred right before to the start of the vascular headache. Knowing these factors can often lead to pinpointing the possible causes in order to help with avoidance of the migraine in the future.
Ginger Helps
One reason why triptans have been so successful in relieving migraine pain is their innate ability to attach to serotonin receptors helping aid in reducing the triggers that cause migraine pain. We learned that though this might be helpful in relieving temporary migraine pain it is not a cure nor is it 100% safe. Ginger on the other hand is 100% natural, safe and has the ability to attach to human serotonin receptors to help reduce migraine triggers that cause migraine pain. Ginger has also proven to help alleviate symptoms such as nausea and when combined with feverfew they are an effective tool against fighting off migraine symptoms.
Tags: chronic condition, difficulty sleeping, head pain, living with migraines, migraine attack, Migraines, severe pain, tender spots
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