One of the best migraine treatment options is the Migraine Support Formula. For one, this formula has no known side effects so most everyone can use it. Secondly, this migraine treatment option utilizes a precise combination of all-natural vitamins, minerals and herbs which work together in harmony to help minimize the intensity and frequency of migraine attacks in humans. Countless hours of research have gone into putting together the exact formula to help decrease migraines; here are some of the ingredients in this migraine treatment and their known uses:
- Feverfew – This daisy look-alike has been used for years to help reduce, you guessed it, fevers and helps decrease inflammation.
- Ginger – This root is more commonly found in Southeast Asia and is sold in most open-markets throughout the region. Ginger help aid in digestion and can calm nausea / vomiting. It is manufactured commonly in ginger beer, ginger snaps and of course, ginger ale. Fizz, Fizz…
- Coenzyme Q10 – Oxidation is the process of which healthy cells deteriorate and become unproductive in their given traits. Q10 helps against ailments because it is a strong antioxidant. Without oxidizing, illness, such as migraines, is harder to develop in most individuals.
- Magnesium Citrate – It is a compound which by itself is a great aid in stopping, or shall I say “unstopping,” issues of constipation. However, with its combining of Riboflavin and Coenzyme Q10, Magnesium Citrate packs a powerful punch toward minimizing the intensity and frequency of migraine headaches.
The Process: Reemphasized
As blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge and expand, a chemical is released into the brain, thus attacking the arteries. It is now that the throbbing pain occurs and many more migraine symptoms are experienced. These symptoms can be severe and many times incapacitating or debilitating for 2 or more days. It is now wonder that migraine headaches are the number one reason that people call off work due to illness. Symptoms, such as vomiting, nausea, dizziness, vertigo, blindness or eye spots, immobilization and especially intense head pain, plague the individual with no signal of stopping. It is almost ironic how a small thing like a trigger can cause such enormous havoc in a person’s life.
Tags: Coenzyme Q10, Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, headache, herbal, Magnesium Citrate, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula, Riboflavin
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