Migraine sufferers have two basic choices throughout a given day: “Will I follow my migraine treatment plan?” or “Will I live as if nothing is wrong or nothing could happen to me that will ruin my day?” These are difficult decisions for every migraine victim because they require a level of thought and planning when it comes to treatment and changing certain lifestyle patterns that can be hazardous to the fragile migraine condition. First, the victim must choose to give up some activities which are potential triggers for migraines to start such as going to the beach or handling stressful situations. Secondly, the migraine victim also has to identify certain foods or additives that can be contributing factors to the intensity of the condition. And finally, the migraine sufferer has to utilize a migraine treatment option on a regular basis that coincides along with the migraine treatment plan already set up. Migraine treatments can be anything from chiropractic adjustment to herbal remedy therapy. Below we are going to look at a number of these treatments and therapies so that you can better have a handle on your migraine condition.
Factors To Be On The Lookout For
A migraine is defined as a severe, throbbing headache often connected with sidebar symptoms and typically unilateral, only affecting one of half of the head, pain; the headache usually lasts from four to seventy two hours. Symptoms can include blurred vision, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, as well as sensitivity to light and sound. For a person dealing with these severe headaches, it is vitally crucial to locate migraine treatment that will work best for them. Migraine headaches can happen to anyone; however, there are factors that play a part in increasing the risk of some individuals such as:
- Family History – Genetic factors play a big part in those suffering from migraines. Studies have shown up to 90 percent of people with migraines have a family history of them and says that those individuals that come from a family history of migraine sufferers will most likely be at risk of suffering from chronic migraines as well.
- Age – During childhood, migraines are less frequent but not nonexistent. Research has shown that most individuals will experience their first migraine during adolescence; by forty, most people who will suffer from migraines will have had their first attack.
- Medical Issues – Individuals who are have medical issues such as depression, anxiety, stroke, epilepsy and high blood pressure are more susceptible to migraines than people who have not suffered with any of the listed medical concerns.
- Gender – Gender also plays a part in the susceptibility to the migraine condition as well as to the frequency by which the migraine condition plague a person regularly.
The Various Forms Of Treatment
Treatment is the only way a migraine sufferer can gain any relief and the relief that is had is only dependent on the regularity of the taking of the treatment. Meaning: if you slack on taking your prescription, then migraine will come back quicker and with more intensity. Treatment will not always guarantee you success at eliminating the migraine from your life but it will minimize the symptoms effectiveness. Most doctors will prescribe a migraine treatment in the form of a drug like a Triptan or Ergot. But these meds contain with them side effects that can be harmful to you and even deadly in some cases. Therefore, caution must be paid in order for you to receive the best treatment with the safest track record. Below are a number a natural option to prescription drugs:
- Acupuncture – In the case of migraine treatment acupuncture, which is an ancient Chinese practice that involves the insertion of very fine needles into certain points of the body, can be very effective.
- Biofeedback – This therapy is a legitimate management for pain and has shown great results for long term relief in treating migraines.
- Chiropractic – Chiropractic care or spinal manipulation therapy has been a proven method for persons seeking an alternative migraine treatment. Studies have shown that in the case of tension and migraine headaches, manipulative therapy can be as effective as preventative medications in helping to keep off the onset of migraines.
- Massage – in the case of massage for treating migraines studies have proven it can be very successful, especially if the headaches and migraines are triggered by stress or tension. A massage therapist is trained in working the muscles around the head, neck, shoulders, and back in order to increase blood flow in those areas and help relieve muscle tension.
Tags: chronic condition, difficulty sleeping, head pain, living with migraines, migraine attack, Migraines, severe pain, tender spots
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