Writing down monotonous details of your everyday life can seem a bit over kill or pointless but it can be the thing that gives you the edge over your migraine symptoms and helps you discover how your body handles the condition. Journaling or keeping a migraine diary needs to be something that is kept during the beginning of the condition when you are first diagnosed. So what details should you be keeping in your journal? Well, first you should write down the places you go and events you participate in cause many migraine triggers and symptoms can come from activities that people enjoy or frequent through their week. Secondly, personal experiences such as foods you eat and emotions you feel in a given day and what causes them. Stress is a big factor in the start of a migraine episode. Many times family situations or work responsibilities can unneeded stress and might initiate a migraine occurrence.
New prescription medication called triptans is now available on the market and is geared toward relieving migraine pressure. Triptans have two important abilities: they are able to constrict blood vessels and they create an upset in the process which leads into a migraine by disturbing the sequence of chemicals that inflict pain or irritation to the nerves. Triptans have been useful in the treatment of migraine pain, however there are a few risks involved that those considering treating their migraines with triptans ought to be aware of. The most common side effects associated with triptans are but not limited to: drowsiness, facial reddening, fatigue, tightening in the chest, tightening in the throat and also dizziness.
Much like its Triptan brother, the Ergot also constricts the blood vessels in order to stop the expand that creates the migraine in the first place. However, Ergots tend to focus on blood vessels in and around major organs of the body such as the liver, heart and other systems. And since Ergots and triptans were never designed for migraine treatment but for high blood pressure treatment, some people have even died from heart attacks due to taking this medication consistently.
Not A Quick Fix Yet Fixable
Finding a natural way to treat migraine headaches is a safer and healthier alternative than prescription medication. Prescription medications might be the most popular choice but that does not make it the safest one. Medications such as antidepressants, blood pressure pills and antiseizure medicines are some migraine sufferer’s quick fix to a chronic problem, but the reality is that using medications such as these could only lead to further health complications. Since there is not a cure for migraine pain the migraine sufferer must find a treatment that is safe to sue long term and that my friend is where the Migraine Support Formula comes into play. The problem lies not in the natural ingredients or the formula itself but with the individual. The difference between other forms of migraine relief treatment and choosing the Migraine Support Formula is the powerful natural ingredients that have been carefully researched and clinically tested to provide migraine sufferers the ultimate migraine relief. Some of the natural ingredients found in the Migraine Support Formula are:
- Feverfew
- Ginger
- Coenzyme Q10 – Coenzyme Q10 also referred to as CoQ10 is a vitamin like substance that helps generates energy in the body in the form of ATP. It works as a powerful antioxidant.
- Ginko Biloba – Ginko Biloba is a powerful antioxidant made popular by its ability to help improve blood circulation in both the body and the brain. Ginko Biloba is possibly one of most well-known herbal remedies and can be used in the treatment of migraine headaches. The reason that Ginko Biloba makes for such a great treatment options is its ability to hinder platelet aggregation. This powerful antioxidant possesses flavonoids and terpenoids which have been tested to show that they help dilate blood vessels which in return surges blood flow.
- Riboflavin
- Magnesium citrate
- White Willow Bark – This ingredient is the primary force behind the ever popular heart medicine known as Aspirin. The chief ingredient is Salix or salicin which come from the white willow tree’s bark and extracted there. Yet when it pertains to migraine, Salicin has the ability to be an amazing anti-inflammatory which can help reduce the stress and inflamed nerves in the brain and begin to stop the swelling. This will also as a result reduce the pain felt by the sufferer.
Tags: Ergots, herbal supplements, Migraine Medications, Migraine Support Formula, Prescription medication, side effects, Triptans
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