One of the most unthought-of trigger for the onset of a migraine is stress. Stress comes in many forms. The loss of a friend or family member, a disturbing diagnosis from the hospital, failed financial goals, a troubled loveless marriage, a wayward child – all of these can cause enormous amounts of stress on a persons life and seem insurmountable to overcome. Instead of fixing the problem, another one is caused, a migraine. Unfortunately, life is very stressful now days and you can’t always avoid the stress or stress causing factors. You should try to avoid triggers such as: humidity, dry air, caffeine, weather changes, certain foods, alcohol, cigarette smoke, some smells, bright lights, neck / back tension and even sleep depravity. However, a better plan, than avoiding every environment, is to set up a migraine treatment plan and follow its instructions.
So, What’s The Plan, Stan?
Well, in order to beat this nuisance, you must develop a migraine treatment plan comprised of a couple but at least one treatment, so that you have a defense against the problem of migraines. Just like any good plan, you must have guidance in the matter; consult with your primary care physician, gleam some wisdom and then determine which of the available migraine treatments is good for you. You could choose the route of prescription medication which will be most doctors’ first choice but a word of caution I give. These drugs, triptans and ergots, were never designed to eliminate migraines but to manage blood pressure. Thus, their primary function is to constrict the flow of blood which can cause complications or even heart attacks if not monitored carefully. I would recommend a less risky method such as acupuncture, chiropractic adjustment or massage therapy; all of which have proven tract records and affect the situation without all the side effects as with prescribed medications. Personally, I would choose the Migraine Support Formula as your first line a defense. It utilizes natural herbs, vitamins and minerals to help minimize the frequency and intensity of your migraine attacks. Some of the ingredients include: ginger, white willow bark extract, riboflavin, magnesium citrate, feverfew and many others.
Tags: enlarged blood vessels, Ergots, headache, migraine attack, migraine headache, migraine treatment plan, Migraines, Prescription medication, Triptans
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