Most people’s mind automatically goes to medication when they think about their migraine pain and how to resolve the pain that it brings about. Our body and minds have grown accustomed to medication as being the first go to treatment when we experience any form of pain regardless of how great or large the problem may be, but is this a safe mentality to have an how does one re-train his or her thinking?
Retraining one’s preconditioned thoughts and beliefs can be done through education. If one chooses to educate his or herself on the various treatments available for chronic migraine sufferers than they would know that there is several options available outside of the use of prescription medications. Some choices involve small changes to one’s daily lifestyle and habits. By simply making a few changes to their normal routine, men and women will notice fewer migraine attacks during a single month. Some simple steps to reducing migraine headaches are:
- A set scheduled time for going to bed and waking each morning.
- Having a daily exercise regime – exercise has proven to help improve quality of life for individuals suffering from various conditions from diabetes to migraine headaches. Individuals who are not physically fit are more prone to migraine attacks.
- Avoid skipping meals and long bouts of fasting.
- Avoid stress (if possible) – exercise can help release negative endorphins and research has proven that daily exercise can help improve mood and improve clarity of thought.
- Refrain from overuse of caffeine do not consume more than two caffeinated beverages in a given day.
- Bright and flashing lights are often associated with migraines therefore keep protective eyewear on hand and avoid places with flashing lights.
Prescription medication can be addictive and have a negative physiological effect on other parts of the body that could ultimately shorten one’s life expectancy.
Improve Life Expectancy and Quality Through These Natural Choices
Medications can have a severe reaction, but natural alternative treatments are safe and can improve life expectancy and actually boost better health if supplements are used or weekly visits to the chiropractor are instilled.
- 5 – Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) 5 – Hydroxytryptophan also known as 5- HTP is an amino acid found in food and is a forerunner to the neurotransmitter serotonin. By adding more 5-HTP one can raise their serotonin levels in the brain while also increasing their endorphin levels helping aide in the overall improvement of their mood and disposition. It has been proven that those suffering with chronic migraines typically have low serotonin and low endorphin levels. The thought process is that low serotonin and endorphins levels make it extremely challenging to tolerate or endure pain.
- Vitamin B3 (Niacin)Vitamin B3 is responsible for several reactions that a body experiences. B3 helps release energy from carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol while regulating blood sugar levels. B3 when used creates a flushing of the face and with the flushing of the face the migraine is flushed right out of the system. One study done on the benefits of Vitamin B3 in relieving migraines revealed that 81% of people suffering from migraines found relief when treating their migraine with B3.
- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)Vitamin B6 works as histamine and has shown to help lessen histamine-induced migraines by increasing diamine oxidase activity.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care regularly falls within the category of alternative treatment; however it is becoming much more accepted by both the mainstream medical community as well as an acceptable form of migraine treatment. The main determination behind the concept of chiropractic care is to aid in lessening symptoms of pain and other issues by correcting any imbalances in the skeletal configuration. The forms of adjustment of the skeletal structure are made through techniques such as stretches, adjustments, as well as manipulations where the imbalance can be restored and results in lessening of symptoms.
Chiropractic care as used for migraine treatment has become increasingly more popular because of the ability for chiropractic care to benefit the migraine sufferer and offer pain and stress relief that is so often related to reoccurring migraine attacks. Many Fibromyalgia sufferers suffer from ongoing backaches, should and neck aches can aid in lessening those symptoms
Tags: chronic condition, difficulty sleeping, head pain, living with migraines, migraine attack, Migraines, severe pain, tender spots
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