Migraine relief is an important and vital component of daily life for those who are unfortunate to suffer from chronic and re-occurring migraine attacks. If left untreated migraines can invade a person’s life and overtake them with symptoms such as head pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and in severe cases the presence of auras, or the sensations of tingling and/or numbness in the head and/or face. Research shows that more than 28 million Americans experience migraine attacks on a regular basis and it is important the migraine relief and stress reduction become routine for these individuals.
Stress is a Factor
Studies have shown that increased stress can be a risk factor to both tension and migraine headaches. Of course there are the major life event stressors such as marriage, home buying, or perhaps having a baby, but evidence shows that everyday stressors play much more of a role on increasing the risk of migraines then most people realize. It is important for those who suffer from migraines to properly address stress and be able to find ways to reduce that stress in order to achieve optimal migraine relief. A few suggestions for relaxation techniques to help decrease stress and improve migraine relief are as follows:
• Acupuncture – is a form of ancient Chinese medicine that uses fine needles which are inserted at specific points of the body in order to provide therapy, in the case of migraines, migraine relief. Acupuncture can bring about this migraine relief by aiding in stabilizing serotonin levels, promoting sufficient blood supply and oxygen throughout the body, as well as increasing the release of endorphins. Acupuncture affects the autonomic nervous system and aids in activating the parasympathetic nervous system in order to decrease muscle tension, anxiety, irritability, and of course stress, which in turn lessens the frequency and severity of migraine occurrences.
• Massage Therapy – the use of massage therapy for migraine relief has fairly astounding properties when it comes to the connection between stress and migraines. A trained massage therapist can help to reduce stress and relieve tension by working on the muscles of the head, neck, and shoulders in order to improve symptoms and increase migraine relief.
• Biofeedback – this form of therapy is a technique that can help migraine sufferers decrease their stress by learning stress-reduction skills to those who are seeking migraine relief. Studies show that biofeedback can reduce both the frequency and duration of migraines in both children as well as adults and can be comparable to many prescription medications that are used for migraine relief.
• Herbs – herbs such as Feverfew, Valerian, Ginko Biloba, and White Willow Bark are excellent herbs for reducing stress as well as aiding in migraine relief.
• Aromatherapy – this technique, which uses essential oils, can provide both stress relief and migraine relief simultaneously. Some of the oils used in aromatherapy to increase stress and migraine relief are lavender, ginger, grape seed, and peppermint oils.
• Dietary Changes – studies show that certain dietary changes can help to reduce stress and provide migraine relief. Certain foods such as chocolates, aged cheeses, citrus fruits, dairy products, red wine and others can increase headaches and trigger stress in individuals. Thus, making a few dietary changes can help to improve both stress and migraine relief.
• Breathing Exercises – such as deep breathing, visualized breathing, and rhythmic breathing can help to reduce stress and improve migraine relief.
• Progressive Muscle Relaxation – also referred to as deep muscle relaxation is a technique that is great for reducing overall body tension and stress. Steps in this technique allow the migraine sufferer to reduce stress and tension that is carried in the body by following a few simple steps that will result in the patient feeling and overall decrease in stress and increase in migraine relief.
• Music – can be a great source of relaxation, especially when combined with some of the other techniques that are list above. It is important that the selection of music will lift the spirits, and provide soothing or calming effects in order to provides stress and migraine relief.
• Mental Imagery Relaxation – this technique, also referred to as guided imagery, is a proven relaxation technique that aids in creating harmony between both the body and mind. Guided imagery coaches can help to lead the patient into creating calm and peaceful images in the mind to reduce stress and improve migraine relief.
Tags: Acupuncture, Alternative treatment, chiropractic care, herbal supplemetns, migraine treatment, Migraines, natural alternative, therapy
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