Get help when you need it and don’t put it off until tomorrow. Migraines, like many other incurable conditions, have the distinct ability to incapacitate the victim for several days causing them to miss out on various family events and work-related appointments. The migraine accomplishes this through the symptoms that the migraine exudes like depression, gastro issues, vision problems and of course, uncontrollable head pain. Now even though the migraine episodes are not curable, the symptoms can be quelled through the use of migraine treatment options. And you don’t have to be restricted to just one treatment option; many migraine sufferer have a treatment plan that could include supplements and massage therapy or prescription meds with acupuncture. As you can see, there are a number of treatment options available to the migraine victim so make sure you consult with your primary care physician to determine which treatment or treatments would be the best for you.
One of the Four Migraine Stages
The headache stage is by far the most painful and dreaded of the four migraine stages. Each migraine stage has its own unique set of symptoms but it is this third migraine stage that takes the migraine patient from moderate discomfort to severe discomfort. The symptoms that are connected with this third migraine stage can become so intense that the migraine patient is often left debilitated and bed ridden throughout the duration of his or her migraine attack. When debilitation occurs the migraine patient can miss out on valuable family time as well as work placing a financial burden on the family as a result. The headache stage can last for several days and inflict pain so intense that is creates the following symptoms to be unleashed on the migraine prone individual:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Cognitive Confusion
- Sensitivity To Light And Sound
- Throbbing / Pounding Head Pain
The Only Meds For Migraine Suppression
In regards to migraine prescription medication, there is little that a doctor or a medical professional can prescribe. Triptans and Ergots are two newer migraine treatment medications that physicians starting prescribing chronic migraine sufferers. Triptans and Ergots are often prescribed as a preventative migraine treatment. Preventative implies that the medication is taken to reduce the chances of a migraine starting or worsening. Triptans and Ergots were two medications that seemed to be an effective migraine treatment until complaints starting surfacing involving further health problems and health risks such as:
- Heart Attack
- Stroke
- Chest Pain
- Kidney Failure
One reason that migraine sufferers would feel this way may have something to do with the treatments they have used or that has been prescribed to them to help relieve or ease migraine pain. Triptans and Ergots treated migraine pain by constricting or narrowing the arteries and blood vessels in order to prevent them from swelling and causing intense migraine pain. This method would work for some but for others it would narrow the blood vessels and arteries to much thus killing them or causing severe health problems.
Natural Treatments For Migraine Therapy
It is important to understand that just like the triggers and warning signs are different for individuals each herb may perform differently. Migraine sufferers shouldn’t be scared of a little trial and error in order to discover the most perfect personalized migraine treatment option; however, careful consideration should be paid especially if any medications are being used for other conditions as there is a chance of harmful interactions. Supervision under a clinical physician is always thought to be the best line of action. Many studies have been completed using the following natural ingredients and herbal remedies as successful and beneficial migraine treatment options:
- Butterbur – Research has shown that the use of Butterbur for migraine treatment can drastically reduce the pain and severity felt by the individual, and that after continued use many individuals noted that their migraine attacks were reduced by as much as half.
- Ginger – Has the ability to attach to human serotonin receptors in order to help reduce migraine triggers that cause migraine pain. It also helps to relieve nausea in a person experiencing a migraine attack.
- Valerian – Is known to be a muscle relaxer. Valerian us useful in reducing stress, anxiety, and even insomnia which are common triggers to migraine sufferers.
- Coenzyme Q10 – Coenzyme Q10 is found inside the body’s cells and is the key to proper function within the cell, it has also been shown to have beneficial effects for patients that seek migraine treatment.
Tags: chronic condition, difficulty sleeping, head pain, living with migraines, migraine attack, Migraines, severe pain, tender spots
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