Preventative migraine treatment is rather new to the migraine treatment market. For decades, medical professionals had very few migraine treatment options that they could offer or suggest to their chronic migraine patients. Frustrated and weary migraine sufferers would seek migraine treatment from their doctor only to be let down with the devastating news – there is nothing. In hopes of helping their patients find some form of migraine relief medical professionals started prescribing antidepressants, antiseizure medicines and blood pressure pills crossed their fingers and hoped it worked.
Surprise! Surprise the medications prescribed to chronic migraine victims did very little to relieve migraine pain and the horrid symptoms that go with them. Not only were the medications not working they began to cause users to suffer with several different side effects that were frustrating and addictive. Migraine medications led to addictive tendencies and side effects such as anxiety and depression. Something had to be done, more than twenty million men and women were suffering with chronic migraines and there was no migraine relief in sight.
Finally A Breakthrough!
In recent years, two new products have entered the migraine treatment scene. One being a prescription known as triptans; triptans are a preventative migraine treatment and one that has made huge improvements on the amount of migraine headaches that chronic migraines experience throughout a given month. Triptans work by way of constricting or narrowing the blood vessels in the brain that cause migraines. This new migraine treatment is effective as a preventative migraine treatment.
The down side to triptans is the health hazards they create. Triptans can cause physical health decline by way of constricting or narrowing the arteries to the point of which several things could happen such as a heart attack, stroke or kidney failure. Triptans are not handed out easily and a series of physical exams and a complete medical history must be given first.
The second migraine treatment that is taking the migraine world by storm would be the Migraine Support Formula. The Migraine Support Formula is a natural based product that offers extreme migraine relief without any adverse side effects! The secret to the Migraine Support Formula is the herbal ingredients that make up the product. Natural ingredients like Ginger, Feverfew, Magnesium, Butterbur and Valerian are all used to help reduce migraine headaches by half!
Tags: enlarged blood vessels, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, migraine prevention, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment, natural migraine treatment, Prescription medication, treating migraines, Triptans
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