The majority of individuals who are classified as migraine sufferers will experience migraine headaches or attacks on a regular or chronic basis. This is of course a major issue and problem for them to deal with as a migraine attack can leave a person physically unable to complete even the simplest daily tasks for hours, or even days at a time. When these migraine attacks take place each individual is losing valuable time that would normally be devoted to their family, friends, as well as employers and workplaces. Many individuals who are seeking to find relief from their migraine pain would ask the question of whether or not a migraine can be avoided. The answer to that question is yes, especially if one is aware of the symptoms that take place before a migraine attack takes place so that preventative measures can be put into place before the effects of full blown attack and migraine pain begin.
What are the Symptoms?
For any individual who is attempting to find a migraine pain treatment they must first be aware of the signs and symptoms that are most commonly associated with migraine pain. The symptoms of most commonly associated on top of migraine pain can of course vary with each individual; however the most commonly known migraine symptoms are as follows:
- Pain – This is usually an intense throbbing or pounding feeling which is typically located on one side of the forehead. However, migraine pain can also generate in the back of the head or above one eye. The pain is often described as unilateral, meaning that the pain is characteristically felt or experienced on only one side of the head (yet again some migraine sufferers describe their migraines as being felt on both sides of the head, or bilaterally). Often migraine pain that is felt on one side of the head can alternate to the other side of the head during the next migraine attack. If an individual does experience frequent migraine pain on the same side of the head they should speak with their doctor immediately as this could imply a more serious condition.
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Paleness
- Coldness in the hands and feet
- Sensitivity to light and sound
It is important for individuals to be aware of these common migraine symptoms because this can aid in migraine pain treatment. Research shows that most migraines often start to reveal signs and symptoms several hours to even days before the actual migraine attack takes place, and studies have shown that almost 40% of migraine sufferers will have preemptive warning symptoms before the migraine pain actually hits. If a person is aware of the individual symptoms that may occur right before a full blown attack takes place preventative measures can then be taken in order to lessen the effects.
Tags: migraine, migraine headaches, Migraine Preemptive Warning Signs, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, nausea, paleness, vomitting
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