If you have recently been to see a doctor concerning your reoccurring migraine headaches, then this article is for you. More than twenty millions men and women suffer from chronic migraine headaches. Migraines are the United States leading complaint for missed work. When suffering with or from a migraine, it becomes impossible to think clearly or be productive while suffering with such intense head pain.
Migraine symptoms become stumbling blocks for productivity as well, making it even more challenging to focus. A loss of work and days spent out of commission as a result of a migraine can be frustrating and not something that is worth repeating. Migraine pain can lead to vomiting and bouts of confusion, blurred vision, diarrhea, and fatigue as well as muscle weakness. Combine the symptoms just listed with severe pounding and throbbing in the head and you have one miserable individual.
Migraine pain is so severe due to the changes that are taking place in the brain. Blood vessels begin to enlarge releasing harmful chemicals into the brain that finds the brains arteries and then begins to attack them. It can take up to three days for the blood vessels to quit growing. Without a migraine intervention, chronic migraine sufferers miss out on valuable family time, rest, and relaxation and work days. Though no guarantee can be had, there are several methods and preemptive treatments that a medical professional can prescribe to help ease the pain and discomfort their patient may be facing.
Medications And More Medications
Prescription medication should never be ones first choice in treating migraines however, medication has become one of the more popular treatment options and most medical professionals don’t blink an eye when prescribing them. More commonly prescribed medications that are prescribed to treat migraines would be: blood pressure medicine, antiseizure medication and antidepressants. Two other medications that have hit the market would be Triptans and Ergots. Each of the medications listed have been said to help relieve migraine pain temporarily.
Triptans and Ergots help lessen migraine occurrences by restricting blood flow by narrowing the blood vessels to the brain. As you can imagine, this method of restricting or narrowing sounds harmful and unsafe and you would be correct. Before agreeing to the use of medications as your number one migraine treatment plan, research each drug carefully and speak with a medical professional about the risks.
Tags: Chronic migraine, Ergots, headache, migraine attack, Migraine Medication, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, Migraines, nausea, neurological condition, Triptans
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