Planning ahead is a vital lifestyle change if it is not already implemented into your migraine treatment routine. Life tends to be full of surprise especially when you have migraines on chronic rotation, so planning your events in advance can help with any rushing around which can make more susceptible to migraine triggers. Now when you plan these events, they need to be done under the understanding that a migraine will incapacitate you and make you unable to participate in the said event. Therefore, communication is key when you struggle consistently with migraine headaches and thinking clearly or forward thinking will give you the upper hand over your migraine condition. Another important lifestyle change that will make coping with migraine easier is to accept change. Accepting that your life, activities you enjoyed and other personal interest points may be null and void after you have a migraine diagnosis. This is because there are some activities or personal preferences that will actually intensify your migraine condition. Consult with your doctor to determine if there are any other lifestyle changes that need to be made.
Be Migraine Sensible
Common sense in regards to migraine headaches is to avoid certain places and things that can cause a migraine to develop. Migraine headaches exact causes have yet to be pinpointed however studies and research have shown that migraine triggers can play a role in the onset of a migraine headache. Migraine triggers are factors such as environmental and or physiological that when encountered can start the process of migraine development. Migraine triggers are the unavoidable threats that taunt migraine sufferers day in and day out every time he or she steps out of their home. The following is a list of a few of the migraine triggers that may seem innocent enough when in fact they are not.
- Stress
- Weather – changes in barometric temperature
- Foods- aged cheese, chocolate
- Caffeine
- Sleep – lack of sleep, too little sleep too much sleep
- Lighting- bright or flashing lights
- Odors – cigarette smoke, body odor, perfume
The Symptom Process
Once the trigger is encountered, blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge and expand causing a chemical to be released into the brain. This chemical attacks the arteries in the brain initiating the immense pain associated with migraine headaches. However, pain is not the only symptom, so here are a few to be aware of: constipation, nausea, vomiting, loss of motor function / cognitive reasoning, dizziness, blurred vision, vertigo and even temporary blindness in one eye (during the aura stage). None of these symptoms are easy to deal with and they won’t disappear until the blood vessels that caused this mess return back to their original size and location.
Preventing Triggers
Though migraine triggers are often unavoidable, there is a way for the migraine victim to have the upper hand. Preventative migraine treatment is an excellent tool for the fight against chronic migraines. Preventative migraine treatment plans can come in various forms the most common being the use of prescription medications such as antidepressants, blood pressure pills, triptans and ergots. Prescription medications are a great source of migraine prevention, however they do come with a long list of side effects. Natural migraine treatment options such as the Migraine Support Formula uses natural means to prevent the onset of a migraine. No preventative migraine treatment will be a 100% guarantee; however the Migraine Support Formula has proven to be successful at reliving the frequencies of migraine headaches without worry of adverse side effects. Here are a few of the migraine treatment options out there for the public to utilize:
- Prescription Medication – Triptans and Ergots are the meds that doctors use to combat the migraines in someone’s life. These meds were originally designed to help with blood pressure by constricting the blood from expanding at all. This is fine for those with BP issues but for the rest of us that just want some relief from the migraine we have, it presents a completely different set of side effects that could results in heart attack or even death. Ergots are especially dangerous as they constrict the blood vessels nearest the heart and other major organs.
- Migraine Support Formula – This amazing, all-natural formula is a precise combination of herbs, vitamins and minerals which help minimize the intensity and frequency of the sufferer’s symptoms and migraine attacks themselves. Hours and hours of research were taken to discover these profound ingredients and to displace them into the correct dosages for the best results. After taking this migraine treatment, some individuals have even said it has stopped their migraines all together. Here are a few of the ingredients: Valerian, Riboflavin, Magnesium Citrate, Butterbur, Vitamin B3, Coenzyme Q10, Feverfew and HTP-5.
Tags: chronic condition, difficulty sleeping, head pain, living with migraines, migraine attack, Migraines, severe pain, tender spots
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