Migraine pain is an occurrence that takes place when extremely severe and pulsating headaches, which are often associated with autonomic symptoms, occur. Migraine pain is typically unilateral (meaning that it only affects one half of the head at a time) and will normally last anywhere from 4 to 72 hours. Besides the extreme head pain, symptoms of migraine pain can include dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, lightheadedness, vomiting, as well as sensitivity to lights, sounds, and/or odors.
Treatment of migraine pain is vital, especially for those who experience migraine pain on a regular or chronic basis. Migraine pain is not a medical condition that people must “just live with” or “cope with”. There are treatment options available for those who suffer from migraine pain that can help to decrease their symptoms and even reduce the frequency and severity of their migraine pain. Some of the different options for treating migraine pain will be discussed in more detail below.
Treatment Options
Of course the first line of defense or treatment for migraine pain when it comes to the medical community is the use of prescription medications. The most commonly used prescription medications for treating migraine pain include either preventative medications (such as Antidepressants, Antianxiety medications, or Beta Blockers) or abortive medications (such as Triptans, Ergot, or Opioids). While there are most certainly instances where any of these prescription medications are necessary and beneficial for the treatment of migraine pain individuals should also be aware of the many side effects or habit forming tendencies that these medications can have. The good news is that there are alternatives to treating migraine pain that are more holistic in nature while still being extremely beneficial in providing relief from migraine pain. Some of the options for treating migraine pain are listed as follows:
• Chiropractic Care – is a proven therapy for providing migraine relief for those that seek it. Chiropractic care is especially useful for migraine pain that is a result of tension or stress headaches as manipulative therapy can help to prevent migraine pain and offer symptom relief for when migraine pain is already occurring due to an attack. Studies have shown that often times migraine pain is can be the result of misalignments within the vertebra of the spine that interfere with the nerves that travel the length of the spine to the brain. However, chiropractic care (otherwise known as spinal manipulation) can help to re-align these vertebrae in order to help relieve restriction and provide migraine pain relief.
• Massage Therapy – is a therapy which can successfully reduce migraine pain and other symptoms that are commonly experienced by migraine sufferers. Massage therapy is especially useful for migraine pain that has been triggered by stress or tension within the muscles of the shoulders, neck, and head muscles.
• Acupuncture – is a therapy that uses the insertion of thin needles at pressure points throughout the body in order to provide migraine pain relief. It is vital that the treatment of acupuncture is administered by a trained professional in order the proper results can be achieved. When used correctly acupuncture can be a very successful form of migraine pain relief, in fact studies have shown that acupuncture can provide substantial relief from migraine pain and improve the overall quality of life for those who were commonly suffering from migraine pain.
• Home Remedies – There are many home remedies such as using heat or cold therapy as well as lying in a quiet or dark room which can help to reduce the symptoms of migraine pain. Each migraine sufferer will experience differing symptoms so finding what will provide the most relief for them personally is the best approach to migraine pain relief.
• Lifestyle Changes – research has shown that those who suffer from migraine pain may benefit from certain lifestyle changes that will aid in decreasing their symptoms. There are certain foods that should be avoided as well as behavioral techniques that should be adhered to in regards to adequately obtaining enough rest, reducing stress, and sticking to a regular exercise routine.
• Supplements – are another form of treatment for migraine pain that most definitely fall within the category of holistic treatments. However, supplements shouldn’t be written off as a viable treatment option for migraine pain, in fact studies have shown that supplements can provide migraine pain relief as much or better than prescription medications without causing any of the negative side effects. Some of the most commonly used supplements for migraine relief include Magnesium, Vitamin B-12, Coenzyme Q10, as well as 5-hydroxytryptophan.
Migraine headaches can happen to anyone at any age; however there are multiple factors that seem to play a role in increasing the risk that some individuals may have. Those risks include family history, age, gender, and other pre-existing medical problems. If a person has preexisting risk factors towards migraines, it is important to note that there are many migraine treatment options available, ranging from therapeutic, supplemental, and of course the use of medications (both over the counter and prescription). A person seeking migraine treatment should always be properly diagnosed by a physician to rule out any serious causes of a migraine, and to discuss any medical action that may need to take place. However, it is also important that migraine sufferers are aware of alternative treatments such as biofeedback, stress management, acupuncture, chiropractic care, massage therapy, or herbal remedies. These forms of alternative care are used widely within the world of migraine treatment and have proven very successful in both the prevention of, or in the very least the lessoning of, symptoms of a migraine.
Warning Signs & Triggers
For those suffering from migraines, the obvious goal is for the complete removal of these attacks. However sometimes there will be breakthrough episodes, when that occurs it is important for the individual to recognize any warning signs or triggers that would bring on a migraine. If these warning signs and triggers are recognized quickly, hopefully prevention techniques can be used at that time to lessen the severity of the migraine. Some of the most common warning signs a migraine sufferer may experience are Fatigue, Depression, Obsessive Yawning, Food Cravings – particularly those high in sugar or salt, Mood Changes, Irritability, as well as drowsiness. When individuals take note of the common signs that precursor migraines, they may be able to recognize their personal warning signs and be able to stop the migraine before it starts.
Triggers often start with a specific source such as physical, environmental, or physiological. Just like warning signs, triggers will also vary among individuals. Some of the most common among migraine sufferers are lack of sleep, hormonal changes, lighting, certain foods, caffeine, and stress. Avoidance of the triggers that cause the migraines can be the best form of prevention. It is important for individuals seeking migraine treatment to keep a log of events, foods ingested, stress factors, or other environmental factors that might have taken place prior to the onset of the migraine. Knowing these factors can often lead to pinpointing the possible causes in order to help with avoidance of the migraine in the future.
Tags: Acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol), migraine pain, migraine relief, Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), over the counter medication, treating migraines
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