In our desire to receive help and freedom from life’s pain and discomforts we as human often times become susceptible to bad advice. If we are fortunate enough to be surrounded by people we love and care about, we may be even more susceptible to advice and opinions regarding our health and what we should do in regards to seeking out treatment or medical council. Those of us who suffer with chronic migraines know all too well how many people want to give their unsolicited advice and opinions regarding our personal migraine treatments.
If you are one of those people who love to give advice on medical treatments and what not and are not a medical professional, this article is for you. We understand that your intentions may be good and honorable, we thank you for caring enough to speak up and try to help, however, understand that not every migraine is experienced the same way and not every migraine treatment will work on every person. After doing much research, there are some things with migraines that I did not know and now that I do I can better understand migraine treatment.
Natural Is Safer
Because migraine headaches are a neurological condition they must be treated and handled with care. Migraines are painful because they create an enlarging of the blood vessels in the brain. As these blood vessels expand they release a harmful chemical into the brain to attack the brains arteries thus creating intense migraine pain and migraine symptoms. Migraines can last for several days worsening with each passing one it is important that when choosing a migraine treatment that the treatment chosen does not complicate things.
The most common migraine treatments used today would most likely be prescription related. The trouble with prescription medications are the effect they can have on a person both mentally and physically therefore after much research it seems as though the most effective migraine treatments stem from natural or holistic methods. It has been proven through a series of clinical test and studies that holistic, herbal approached to treating migraines are longer lasting and can reduce migraine occurrences by half! For a full list of holistic methods, speak with your doctor but the list provided is the most common and effective:
- Acupuncture
- Massage Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Chiropractic Adjustments
- Supplemental Treatments – Migraine Support Formula
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, Chronic migraine, Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, herbal remedies, Massage Therapy, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, Natural Ingredients, natural migraine treatment, treating migraines
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