Millions endure the hardships that migraine headaches cause. Migraine headaches are the result of mental stress, physical tension, food allergies and a symptom of illness. A few of the symptoms include pain, light and sound sensitivity and nausea. Migraines are a chronic condition for some and can last from a few hours to days in the most severe cases. There is no cure for migraines although prescription medications and over-the-counter migraine treatments offer some relief from pain. Herbal remedies for migraines are cost effective and offer an organic, chemical-free alternative to traditional medicines. I believe we need a new approach to migraine treatment in this country, one that treats the causes of headaches, not just the symptoms. We have got to find a better way to fight this battle; thankfully there are some herbal remedies for migraines. Today, many more are turning to herbal remedies for migraines. In different studies, Feverfew, Butterbur, Rosemary, Ginger, and Magnesium citrate have all shown to be effective alternative treatment for migraines.
- Feverfew has the natural ability to obstructing the release of blood vessel dilating substances from the platelets that create migraine pain It must be taken on a daily basis, however, not only at the onset of symptoms. The recommended dose is 125 milligrams per day.
- Butterbur is considered both a preventative for migraines as well as a natural treatment. Butterbur root is made into an essential oil but not usually a tea. Due to the potential toxic effects of butterbur, a physician should be consulted before use.
- Ginger has the ability to attach to human serotonin receptors to help reduce migraine triggers that cause migraine pain.
- Research has shown that those who suffer from frequent migraine attacks typically have lower Magnesium levels. Increasing magnesium is a practical way to help eliminate or reduce migraine frequency.
- Rosemary has been known as a natural migraine treatment for centuries in Europe and China, a closer look at this bush may be quite beneficial and provide relief. Because rosemary is a central nervous system stimulant, you can expect the results to be immediate. Rosemary also flavors potatoes and other veggies quite well! So that is two beneficial uses for Rosemary.
There are many different herbal remedies for migraines that can be used as migraine treatments. Herbal remedies often have fewer side effects than traditional medicines used for migraine treatment. Most of these herbal remedies are available in easy-to-take capsule form along with tinctures, powders and teas.
Tags: Butterbur, essential oil, Ginger, herbal, lower Magnesium, migraine attacks, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, Rosemary, treating migraines
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