Migraines are miserably uncomfortable headaches that leave the body feeling weak and vulnerable. One of the most common culprits of migraines is stress. While migraine pain may cause you additional stress, the stress in your life may be the trigger to those migraine episodes.
Ways To Manage Stress
There are several things you can do to help manage your stress levels, here are just a few to get your mind thinking about reducing stress in your life. First, know your stressors. This may sound like a pretty broad statement, but it’s very important to know what or possibly who creates a higher level of tension in your body. Being able to identify your stressors will help you to eliminate, if possible, or at least reduce your exposure to those stressors.
Sleep, sleep and MORE SLEEP! Most adults that experience a high level of stress in their lives don’t see sleep as a necessity, but more as a luxury or something that I have to “fit in” their busy professional and social schedules. A lack of sleep can cause tension to build in the body and add to other stressors that may be a part of your day. When you are well rested, achieving at least eight hours of sleep each night, creates an elevation in your mood and allows your body to be better prepared to handle what lies ahead. Some doctors recommend going to bed and waking at the same time, even on weekends, to keep a consistent sleep schedule.
Exercise is another wonderful way to help reduce stress. Stress is not just a mental thing, many people experience a physical fatigue as a result of stress. Working out at least three times a week, keeps blood flowing and produces more “feel-good” endorphins. If jogging or weight-training are not your cup of tea, try a more relaxing exercise option like water aerobics or yoga. Yoga is wonderful as it incorporates both stretching and breathing techniques to leave you feeling centered and free of mental clutter.
What ever method you may choose, working to reduce the level of stress in your life may be the easiest step to reducing migraine aches and pains.
Tags: Acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol), migraine pain, migraine relief, Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), over the counter medication, treating migraines
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