With any disease or syndrome, it is important to have all of the facts and know how to use the information given. This is most definitely true with migraine headaches as there is little information known about these wily episodes. They can come up from nowhere and many times without any warning so that you can prepare for the attack. Therefore, it is imperative that you use a migraine treatment option on a regular basis in order to combat the migraine threat in your life and one of the treatments that has work very well over the last couple years has been acupuncture. Though not a new treatment of pain or disease, acupuncture has shown great improvement in calming migraine symptoms and decreasing the frequency by which the migraine occurs. For those who are unfamiliar with acu-techniques, acupuncture inserts tiny needles along specific points of your body depending on the condition or illness and agitates the skin / tissue; this brings about a result over time of healing from the symptoms of a migraine episode.
Triggers Just Around The Corner
When enjoying life like going to the beach, you cannot veer from your migraine treatment plan, lest you have a recurring episode due the same external, environmental triggers. The triggers one might experience at the beach which could initiate a migraine occurrence are:
a) Sunlight
b) Caffeine in beverages
c) Weather conditions – i.e. Rain
d) Loud noises
e) Uncomfortable smells
Other triggers could include:
- Stress
- Humidity
- Dry Air
- Alcohol
- Cigarette Smoke
So, I urge you to focus on these triggers. Analyze which of these cause the most occurrences of migraines and then, avoid them.
Take A Treatment Break From Avoiding Triggers
A migraine treatment plan might consist of a variety of options, such as: prescription meds, massage therapy, chiropractic adjustments or even adding to your diet an ample supply of natural supplements. Although many of these options have merit and help any number of individuals suffering from migraines, natural herbs and vitamin supplements (when added to a daily regime) has the greatest success rate out of all the others and the least amount of side effects. Natural herbs/minerals/vitamins such as feverfew, magnesium citrate, ginger, B & D vitamins will effectively reduce your intensity and frequency of your migraines in a safe and efficient way.
Tags: Acupuncture, Alternative treatment, chiropractic care, Massage Therapy, migraine headaches, Migraine releif, Migraine Support Formula, supplements
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