Many conditions like migraines are fraught with symptoms that express pain and discomfort to the victim; some symptoms are mild and don’t cause too much drama like fatigue or diarrhea. Yet some of the other symptoms can be very debilitating and can even incapacitate the patient for many days. These symptoms could include: depression, hallucinations, vomiting, anxiety and even extreme vertigo. Now the one symptom that I didn’t mention that plagues every migraine sufferer is pain; the pain is in the head and can be throbbing or pounding in nature. This is the primary reason that migraines cause others to miss their work due to an illness. The news is sad but true: millions of Americans suffer each year from this incurable condition; the only relief that can be found is in the various migraine treatments.
Medication Issues In Migraine Treatment
Several different types of medication may be used to treat migraine headaches such as: antidepressants, antiseizure medication, blood pressure pills, triptans and ergots. The most effective migraine medication would be the newest of the bunch, which would be triptans or ergots. Triptans and ergots work at reducing migraine frequencies by constricting or narrowing the blood vessels to prevent them from enlarging and inflicting pain. Triptans and ergots have proven to be effective and holding to what they promise to do; however not only they constrict and narrow blood vessels to help relive migraine pain, they can also cause serious health concerns.
Serious side effects or health concerns that are the result of using of prescription medications especially triptans and ergots would include the following: stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, depression, anxiety and or suicidal tendencies. If you feel that medications such as these are more damaging than they are helpful, ask your medical professional about other safer alternatives. Triptans and ergots can help relive migraine headaches but the question has to be asked if whether or not the migraine medication is more harmful than it is helpful.
Treatment For Every Migraine Sufferer
At this point, the outcome seems rather bleak, yet relief can be found through the use of a migraine treatment option. Each individual must choose the best option for them and since everyone is different, the best option might be as well per person. Please consult with you primary care physician as to which migraine treatment option is best for your health, thus providing positive results.
The only relief from the migraine attack is through the regular usage of a migraine treatment option; there are many options available and you should consult with your primary care physician to determine which migraine treatment option is the best for you. Here are a few of the choices and their particulars:
- Chiropractic Adjustment – Neck and back tension is a key trigger to the migraine process and if you can’t massage the tension away, you might try an alignment; the source might not be muscle related but spinal related.
- Migraine Support Formula – This well-orchestrated formula has the potential as described by others to eradicate the migraine symptoms and even the migraine itself. It does this through a precise formula of all-natural minerals, vitamins and herbal supplements to help minimize the frequency and intensity of the migraine chain reaction.
- Magnesium Citrate – Research has shown that those who suffer from frequent migraine attacks typically have lower Magnesium levels. One can increase their intracellular magnesium level by taking an oral magnesium supplement. Tests have shown that added magnesium citrate used effectively in combination with riboflavin can have a positive effect on migraine pain.
- Ginger – One reason why triptans have been so successful in relieving migraine pain is their innate ability to attach to serotonin receptors helping aid in reducing the triggers that cause migraine pain. We learned that though this might be helpful in relieving temporary migraine pain it is not a cure nor is it 100% safe. Ginger on the other hand is 100% natural, safe and has the ability to attach to human serotonin receptors to help reduce migraine triggers that cause migraine pain. Ginger has also proven to help alleviate symptoms such as nausea and when combined with feverfew they are an effective tool against fighting off migraine symptoms.
- Acupuncture – Chinese medicine teaches that if you insert needle along key energy channels, you then can alleviate the ailments, at least most of them, from your health. This form of non-evasive treatment can be very helpful for treating migraines and has very few side effects.
Tags: migraine headaches, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, Migraines, natural treatment, symptoms of migraines
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